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During breakfast. Demetria sat in front of Ron, who was sitting in between Harry and Hermione. Flint hasn't woken up yet. She lazily picked on her pancakes.

Demetria watched Ron, who was stuffing his face with so much food, in disgust. She slammed her fork down.

"Will you eat slowly?" She asked, Harry just laughed. "It's disgusting," Ron glared at her.

"Ron loves food more than anything," Hermione said while she rolls her eyes.

"More than his best friends actually," Harry added.

"I, unlike you, appreciates food." Ron said, he gestured to Demi's plate. "No wonder you're always sleepy in class. You need food for energy,"

Demi glared back at him, "I never failed any of my classes though,"

Ron shrugged his shoulders. "Well, not yet."

Demetria scoffed and continued to eat her small amount of food. Ron watched her, how bloody hell can she manage to go to her classes with that small amount of food? He asked himself.

Suddenly, a huge amount of pancakes was placed in her plate. She looked up, expecting that it would be Flint but to her surprise, it wasn't. It was Ron. "Eat lots will you?" He said, mocking Flint's voice.

Harry and Hermione exchanged looks. Never had they ever seen Ron doing this, to a girl most importantly.

Demi looked at him as if he done something so horrible. "What is wrong with you? I would die of indigestion because of this!"

"Or you would die of starvation." the red head answered. "Plus I gotta agree with your boyfriend, you need to eat lots of food." he added tilting his head to the side pointing to the direction of an incoming Flint. Flint sat beside her and was happy to see her plate.

He ruffled her hair and smiled. Ron shook his head in the sight of this. He's still not used to the fact that another boyfriend of Demetria has made it into their house.

"So, I just heard Aeacus brought Terry Boot from Ravenclaw, during summer. Why didn't you tell me that?" Flint asked.

Demi sighed as she did a face palm, "please stop reminding me! It was horrible."

Flint snickered, "and Kris also told me! He introduced you to two Hufflepuffs, Zacharias Smith and Ernest Macmillan."

"Smith?" Ron asked, "he's a git."

"I never knew that this day would come, but I agree with you Weasley." Demi said which earned a chuckle from both Harry and Hermione.

"How about Blaise Zabini? I heard you went out with him twice!"

"Shut up Flint! He's looking!" She ducked when Zabini turned to find out who called his name.

Ron scoffed, "you really have a thing for Slytherins, don't you?" then he looked at her with a disgusted look.

Demi glared at him. "Shut up," she hated how he always have his side comments.

"Well, I think Terry Boot would be nice though. He's a Ravenclaw, intelligent guys are so attractive!" Hermione remarked.

Demetria chuckled and nodded, she does find intelligent guys attractive. "Yeah,"

"In my opinion, I think dating a Gryffindor would suit you." Flint said he raised his eyebrows up and down, his eyes were pointing at Ron's direction who was now looking at them with confusion. "Like..." Flint teased more and Demetria eventually got what he was saying. Flint has always teased her with Ron ever since she sent him letters about that red headed boy.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now