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Demetria stepped foot in her house, she placed her purse over the living room's table and made her way to the kitchen to get herself a drink, humming to herself.

Just as she took a bottle of water, a voice surprised her.

"Looking so happy today," Aeacus said, sitting by the counter and eating an apple. "I'm guessing, you've seen him today. Don't you?"

Demi huffed and rolled her eyes, she drank her water not surprised to see her friend here, "Yes." Demi whispered.

"Ohh! You're late about the news Aeacus, actually she saw him yesterday at the Diagon Alley." Another voice said, someone else was about to enter the kitchen. Demi didn't need to look at him to know that it was Flint. He was the only one who knew about what happened at the Diagon Alley yesterday.

"So, how does it feel to finally meet the love of your life again?" Flint mischievously asked, standing in front of Demi, his eyebrows going up and down. "Did you two talk already? Have you finally told him how much you missed him for those five long years?"

He ran to Aeacus' side and stared at the Ravenclaw dramatically. "Oh my dear Ron, how much I've missed you. Let's get married right away!"

Aeacus couldn't help but to snicker at his friend's nonsense.

Demi rolled her eyes at them. "What are you talking about, Flint? He might be dating someone already."

"Well, he's single, don't worry." Another uninvited guest said, walking to the kitchen's counter and pulling Aeacus' apple from him to take a bite. His other hand brushing his blond hair.

"Great, another reunion." Demi mumbled to herself. She didn't know why these three were always at her house, and they never bothered to tell her when they're coming. "What's the use of living in separate houses if you're always here."

Aeacus didn't care about what she said. Instead, he glared at Aster who was biting his apple. "I was eating that."

Aster flashed him a grin. "Well, not anymore."

"How can you be so sure about that?" Demi asked Aster.

The blond shrugged his shoulders. "What do you think? I asked around at the Diagon Alley, yesterday." he smiled proudly, "Rumors say, he's been single for years!"

Flint high-fived with the Slytherin, the two of them chuckling together. "Nice!" Aeacus was opening the refrigerator and was searching for something to eat, he shook his head at his friends.

Demi rolled her eyes and exit the kitchen to go upstairs but Flint trailed after her.

"What? Is it too fast? You don't want to get married yet?" Her green-eyed friend asked.

"Flint. Just drop it, okay?"

"Hey! No one else gets married this year! This is my year!" Aster yelled from the kitchen. He followed after his two friends to and blocked Demi's way. "If you want to get married, do it next year."

"Guys, I'm not getting married. Okay?" Demi huffed and walked past her two friends and made her way upstairs, leaving her two best friends behind. "I don't understand why people are so obsessed with marrying me off."

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now