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Everyone was happy to see Harry. But it seemed like the boy who lived has no plans either. Everyone were talking about where 'that thing' could possibly be. When Headmaster Snape called every student to the Great Hall. As expected, he was searching for Harry Potter. But no one dared to tell him where Harry was. Harry stepped forward and revealed a secret to everyone.

Snape killed Dumbledore, the man who trusted him. Everyone were surprised. the order of the phoenix came in barging in the Great Hall. McGonagall exchanged spells with Snape and he run away. Everyone cheered.

Demi turned around and found Fred and George at the door, they instantly smiled at her. So she approached them, having to walk pass Ron who was staring at her.

"Long time no see, Demi." George told her.

She couldn't help but smile at them, last time she saw her was in her 5th year, she didn't even witness their last greatest trick. She reached up to touch his ear but stopped herself, the look on her face was enough for him to find out what she was about to touch.

"Well, let's just say that you can now easily tell who's who." The twins laughed and she couldn't help but laugh with them too.

"We missed you." Fred said as he offer her a hug that she gladly accepted. "We heard what happened." He was referring to the time that Demi lost Kris, so he rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her.

George joined the hug. "We're sorry about what happened."

When they pulled away, "We brought someone for you." Fred said and pulled someone behind him.

Demi couldn't help but to jump at the person with Fred. And that person chuckled. He hugged her tightly, thankful that she was alright. "Thank Godric you're alright." He whispered while hugging her.

"I missed you." She told Flint. When Flint pulled away, his eyes squinted when he saw bruises on her. He looked over her shoulders and saw Aeacus and Aster in the same condition.

"What happened to you guys?" He asked looking so worried.

Aeacus just smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "Well you see I'm surprised myself to find out that... I'm quite the rebel."

Flint couldn't help but smile knowing that Aeacus was the last one to rebel among the five of them, but he didn't bother to ask anymore, he just engulfed his two friends into a hug. "I'm glad you all are safe."

Aster tapped Flint's shoulder and smiled. "Of course, no one else is dying. Okay?"

Aeacus nodded agreeing to what the Slytherin said, Aster looked at Demi asking her the same question. "Okay." She mumbled, smiling at the sight of her three friends.


The Gryffindor smirked and nodded. "Of course." He looked behind him and stared at Demi, jerking his head to the side to tell her to join the hug. Demi smiled and joined them.

On the other side, Ron talked with his brothers. "Good to see you ickle Ronniekins." They said in chorus which made the youngest Weasley boy roll his eyes with a smile.

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