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Today, Aeacus told Demi to meet him at the Quidditch Pitch, the reason why? She didn't know. All he said was, "trust me,"

Now she can't believe she went here. Sitting. She glanced below and saw the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. She rolled her eyes.

Of course, it's tryouts day.

But why did Aeacus told her to meet him here? She rolled her eyes. Aeacus wasn't one to fool around, but if he is. She made a mental note to hex him. She was quietly listing down all of the hexes she can use to her friends when five minutes passed and he didn't show up yet.

She shook her head when she saw everyone fooling around and not listening to Harry except Ron.

"Quiet please."

"Shut it!" Ginny yelled and everyone stopped.

"Thanks." Harry said. "Alright, erm. Now then, remember. Just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you're a spot this year, is that clear?"

Only few answered, "yes."


Ron looked up and saw Hermione waving at him. He smiled. Suddenly, Cormac was standing beside him. Intentionally bumping his shoulders with his. Telling him that he's also trying out for the keeper spot.

"Say uhm, you think you could help me with your friend Ainsworth." He was looking at her. Ron followed his gaze and saw Demi sitting not too far from Hermione. "Wouldn't mind getting into first name basis now, you know what I mean?"

"Friend?" Someone said and then scoffed.

They both turned around and was greeted by green eyes. Those green eyes that used to shine brilliantly before but it seemed to have lost the light now.

"F-flint?" Demi said as she froze on her seat.

That's when Aeacus showed up and sat beside her. "He wanted to go back, said he's ready." He shrugged his shoulders. "He misses you."

Flint waved at her and Ron watched as she waved back and smile genuinely.

That's the first time I saw her smile in this year.

"As I was saying. Ron and Demi aren't friends. They're far from that." Flint said walking towards the two.

"How about you help me instead?" — Cormac

Flint scanned him from head to toe and then shook his head, looking unimpressed. "Nah, you're not her type."

Cormac chuckled. "Well Weasley and her were a thing last year. I can't be 'not her type'."

Flint pouted and shrugged his shoulders. "You've got a point." Then left. He rode his broomstick and flew towards Demi's spot.

Demi happily jumped at him and wrapped her limbs so tightly to him. "Flint!"

He chuckled. "Easy. You clearly missed me."

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now