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It was fifth year's first day. Demi was walking alone in the hallway, she was on her way to potions (which she hated so much because of Snape).

"Where are your boyfriends?" A guy walked beside her, Ronald Weasley.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

He just shrugged his shoulders, "It's just kinda strange seeing you alone."

Demi rolled her eyes at him.

"Where's your best bud and your girlfriend?"

Ron just gave her a sarcastic laugh, "what the bloody hell are you talking about? Hermione? My girlfriend? That's completely mental."

"Well you were implying the same thing to me a while ago,"

Then silence. Ron cleared is throat. "Have you heard? I've been made as prefect."

The girl stared at him with a why-are-you-telling-me-this look on her face.

"Just saying, if I ever see you outside the corridors during curfew, I will take away 10 points from whoever's with you. I know that you always sneak out with your friends at night." Demi scoffed.

"You're unbelievable,"

"Demi!" Four guys exclaimed. They were standing with their own group of friends, Flint was alone leaning his back on a wall, but when they spotted Demi, they all walked towards her. Ron walked away. Kris offered a hug, Aeacus nodded at her and smiled, Aster flicked her forehead and Flint rested his elbow on her shoulders.

"Get off!" Demi screamed annoyingly but the four guys just laughed.

"What? We just wanted to say hello!" - Aster

"Flint, your arm is very heavy!"

"Oi, put that down Flint." Kris commanded. Flint instantly removed his arm and muttered a sorry.

"Good thing you have potions Demi, let's study together sometime." - Aeacus

Demi sighed as she thought

Godric, I hate potions, especially potions class with these guys. Or any class that includes these four annoying guys.


A week later, Ron proved to Demi that he wasn't lying about taking away points from whoever's she's with if she ever thought of sneaking out during curfews.

Aeacus once invited her to sneak out and read some books on the restricted section of the library, he said that he needed it because something has been bugging him for so long and he wanted answers for his peace of mind. On their way back, they saw Ron doing rounds and he took 10 points from Ravenclaw.

One night, Kris sent her an owl asking her to accompany him to the kitchens because he was so hungry. After having a long and nice chat with him in the kitchens, they decided to go back to their towers. But they happen to ran into Ron and Hufflepuff lost 15 points.

Aster, despite of Demi's warnings, forced her to lay down near the Black Lake as they watch the night sky. She told him that he will lose much greater points when they get caught because he's from Slytherin and Ron hates Slytherins. However, he didn't listen and told her instead that he knows how to escape on Ron, but truth is.... he didn't. So when they were on their way back to their own house rooms...

"Come on, here." Aster hushed and pointed in to a direction.

"No, don't. Not there. That's where Aeacus and I got caught."

Aster then pulled her into another direction, "he caught Kris and I there!"

"Bloody hell, that guy's being so serious on his prefect duties!"

"I told you not to go!"

Aster turned around to face her "Will you hush now? I'm losing my house's bloody points if we get caught for Godric's sake!" then when he took a step back, he fell on the ground. Demi reached his hand to help him but he's too heavy so they both fell on the ground. Demi was on top of Aster. "Ugh! You're too heavy woman!"

"This is all your fault!" she hissed.

Then they heard footsteps. They slowly looked up, Aster groaned. It was Mr. Prefect. His brows were furrowed and he didn't look pleased. He pulled Demi into a standing position beside him. "40 points will be taken away from Slytherin."

"40?! Why the hell 40? That's a bloody lot!" Aster protested.

"Well, you sneaked out of your dorm and you were snogging with someone in the corridors."

Demi's face grimaced, "snogging?! We weren't snogging! We fell!"

Ron clenched his jaw and pulled her wrist. "Come on, I'll bring you back to our tower.."

Demi tried to yank his hand away, "you can't do that!"

Ron narrowed his blue-green eyes, "do what?"

"Keep on taking away points from my friend's houses just because you hate me! You're using your position against me!"

"It's not my fault that you keep on sneaking out with your friends." and with narrowing eyes, he stepped closer to Demi. "Going to the restricted section of the library, getting food from the kitchens, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky and snogging with—" He stopped, realizing that he said too much. His ears were now turning red and he thanked Merlin that the hallway was a little dark.

"You've been following us?!"

His eyes widen, "I wasn't!" He gulped and scratched the back of his neck. "I-I mean y-yeah, kinda. I-I just thought that... that maybe I should know where y-you went to sneak out, to... t-to tell Professor Dumbledore the reason why I took away points from your friends."

"Well then you should've taken points from me too! I was also there!"

"Fortuna Major," Ron said to the fat lady, "I am not taking away points from my own house." The door opened and they both marched to Gryffindor's common room.

"You're an asshole," Demi said before walking towards the girl's dormitory.

Ron followed Demi with his gaze. He sighed. He too, didn't know why he was so obsessed with this, does he really hate Demi and Aster that much? He shook his head and walked towards the boy's dormitory.

"You know," a voice said. He turned to find where it came from. "Hating someone is another way of liking someone."

It was Demi's best friend, Flint. He stood there with his arms crossed in his chest.

Ron rolled his eyes.

Like her? Did he seriously think he'll like Demetria? That's completely absurd. He will never like Demetria. Never. Ron stomped to his dormitory, walking past Flint.

"Sleep Vera, looks like you need it."

Flint chuckled and sighed. "Well I think you need it more, Weasley."

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