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Demetria was laying on her bed. Neither of her four friends has asked her to sneak out with her tonight, maybe they were still affected with the incident earlier.

She couldn't sleep so she stood up, wrapped her blanket on herself (it looked like a robe) and she went to the Gryffindor's common room. She wasn't surprised to see no one there, she assumed that it might already be around 12 midnight. She sat near the fire place and drowned into her own thoughts. She looked at the back of her left hand and she traced the words that formed in it. It says, I must not believe lies. She sighed then she hid it under her blanket.

She couldn't forget the fact that Voldemort is out there but the Ministry of Magic still refuses to believe it. That monster who killed her father is back. Above all, they are accusing Harry and Dumbledore as liars.

She was too drowned in her own thoughts that she didn't notice someone coming to sit in front of her.

"Can't sleep?" a voice said, she looked up and was surprised to see Ron Weasley.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you Weasley,"

Ron smiled a little, "me either,"

She looked at his eyes, checking if he's serious and he was. "Why are you here?" She asked.

"I-I couldn't sleep." He bit his lip.

She just nodded. Not bothering to talk again.

"Let me see," Ron whispered. Demetria stared at him in confusion. "Your hand, give it to me."

Why was he acting this way? Demetria asked herself. Is this Ronald Billius Weasley? Maybe someone's tripping on her using polyjuice potion, Flint perhaps. Ron sighed and reached for Demi's left hand. The brunette flinched slightly forcing Ron to stop his advances. She then sighed and decided to just give it to him.

Ron stared at her hand then he clenched his teeth. "Umbridge is mental, I'm telling you."

"How did you know that I got this?"

"Well, you were hiding it when you came back from her office." How did he noticed? Has he been watching her? Flint didn't even notice it! She thought. "and Harry had it too,"

The girl nodded.

Ron took out something from his pocket, it was a vial. "Got this from Hermione, she gave Harry the same thing a while ago. T-thought I should give you some," she reached for it but Ron didn't hand it to her, and pulled it away from her instead. "Let me help you," he said.

She was too tired to argue so she let him. Ron stared at her before he focused on dropping the vial carefully to her wound. She hissed in pain.

"Sorry," he said. He looked up to stare at her hazelnut orbs.

At that moment Demi wasn't sure what he was sorry for. It seemed like he was saying sorry for other things and not just because of the pain from the vial.

"Sorry for being an asshole," he finally said, which reminded her of the night that she called him that.

Demetria couldn't help but smile genuinely, "are you Ronald?"

Ron smiled a little, it was her first time to call him by his name and not Weasley. It was also his first time to see her smiling... because of him. "I am," then he shook his head. "It was so immature of me to hate you just because you came to the Yule Ball with a Slytherin." To be honest, I didn't know why I was so affected by that at all. Ron thought but he couldn't say it.

"Well you weren't the only one who was immature though. I'm also sorry,"

Ron smiled widely, Demetria Ainsworth said sorry to him and it warmed his heart.

"You know Demetria, you should smile more often." and just like Ron, Demi was surprised when he called him with her first name.

"Then you should stop sending me glares more often,"

Ron chuckled, "yeah yeah," he then looked back down and let go of Demetria's hand. "It's not completely gone yet, you should put some again tomorrow." Then he gave her the vial.

"Thanks, I didn't know how to hide it from those idiots tomorrow. Aster would freak out, you know how crazy he is,"

Ron nodded. "You should still tell them though, they need to know. But I doubt Aeacus wouldn't noti—" he stopped "w-why are y-you staring at me like that?" Demetria was leaning closer, and once again he thanked Merlin that the only source of light in the common room was the fire, Demetria wouldn't notice that he was blushing. Her scent was assaulting his nostrils.

She reached for his left cheek and ran her fingers over a little bruise. Which only made him to blush more, if that was even possible. He felt a tingling sensation from her touch, he wanted to lean in closer but he stopped himself. "Where did you get this?"

"I-I... quidditch tryouts are around the corner, I had a little practice when you were at detention and I.." he gulped as shame flashed in his eyes, "I fell off the broom,"

Demetria chuckled heartily. "Why didn't you applied the vial?"

He smiled, "this will be gone tomorrow without using it anyway," truth be told, Hermione gave him the vial for his bruise. But he thinks Demi needs it more than he do.

They sat again in complete silence. Demetria stared at the fire, Ronald stared at her. They stayed like that for minutes.

"Why can't you sleep? If I may ask?" then she turned to look at the red haired boy who was sitting in front of her.

"Something has been bugging me..." he then glanced at Demi's left hand, as if it had been the thing that has been bugging him. "and Harry talks in his sleep, he's too noisy." then looked back to her eyes, he chuckled.

"Well, it must be really important. Seeing that you can't sleep despite of being on class the whole day and then proceeded in practicing quidditch."

She stood up. "I got to sleep," then she smiled. "Thanks for the vial,"

Ron just nodded at her and watched as she made her way towards her dorm.

Demi stopped in her tracks. "Be careful," she said, she looked at him over her shoulders. A cheeky grin appeared on her face and Ron knew he would be a hypocrite if he said that it didn't cause his heart to skip a beat.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not understanding what the brunette was talking about. "it's not good for someone to change in an instant, you know. They might explode." Her grinned widened before she turned her back to him again. He chuckled at this, while the brunette disappeared.

Really important? Was it really important for him to give Demetria the vial? Is that the reason why he can't sleep? He shook the idea away. Maybe it's just Harry's sleep talking. But he can't deny the fact that he finds her interesting.

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