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Everyone was staring at her, and she didn't know why. Some were whispering to each other while staring at her.

What's wrong?

She was bothered by it but decided to just let it go.

Maybe I'm just overthinking.

No one else noticed it, only Demetria. She felt so bothered. She was now on her way to her last class, trying to get through the hallway occupied by so many people, when a Slytherin purposely blocked her way.

"Is it true?"

She furrowed her eyebrows at him. Everyone else fell silent as their eyes fell to the two.


The Slytherin chuckled. "The rumors about you being under the cruciatus curse."

Shock was written all over Demetria's face. Her breath hitched, her chest rose and fell.

She was panicking, she wasn't ready for any of this to happen just yet. She wasn't sure how the people will react about Kris' death.

She pulled herself together and gulped, trying to look unaffected. "N-no. T-that's just a rumor." And with that, she left.

She chose not to attend her next class, not ready to face everyone who was staring at her in the same way.

How did they know about that?

Did somebody told them?

She was too caught up with her thoughts that she didn't saw the person in front of her, she bumped into that someone.

"Bloody hell, I'm sorry—" the person turned around and stopped mid-sentence when he realized who he bumped into him.

And then an idea popped into Demi.

Only him, Harry and Hermione knew about it.

"Was it you?"

Ron furrowed his brows and stepped back a little. He was scared with Demi's tone. "W-what?"

"Was it you who told everyone about what happened to the Birkenhead Manor?" Demetria looked so angry, her palms turned into fists.

"Told everyone?" Ron wondered, he scanned Demi's face. He couldn't get it at first but soon realized what Demi was saying. He shook his head. "No, I didn't. I swear on my life—"

But before he could even finish, Demetria walked pass him. Purposely hitting him in his shoulders. Demi trudged and searched for the other two Gryffindors who must be the one who told everyone about it.

"Potter!" The students inside the quidditch pitch all turned around to check who was shouting.

Harry was the last one to face Demetria.


"You told everyone?" She whispered.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now