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Demi sat at the Great Hall. Head on her hands. She was regretting that she got drunk last night. Her head was throbbing and she could feel it pulsing. She kept groaning and groaning when someone sat beside her offering a drink.

"Here, drink this." She looked beside her and saw Cormac smiling. "It will help with the headache."

She nodded and took the drink to her hand.

"Do you remember anything?"

She shook her head and brought the drink to her lips. Someone snatched it from her hand. She looked up and saw Ron. Before she knew it, Flint and Aeacus were already dragging Cormac away from her. She sighed and left the Great Hall.

Everyone was in the quidditch pitch today, this was the first match of the year and all Gryffindors was expected to watch it. Demi was on her way there when Ron blocked her way. He looked as if he was going to hold her wrist but he was reminded by the last time he touched her. Her reaction. So, he stopped himself and just settled with looking at her worriedly. He scanned her up and down then sighed in relief.

Demi wondered why he was acting like this.

"Are you alright?"

She just stared at him plainly, not planning on answering him. Ron sighed and nodded, wiping off that concerned look in his face. "Okay." Then he turned around and left.

She stared at his retreating figure still wondering what he was talking about. Her eyes widened in realization. Oh no, did she do something embarrassing last night?! But Flint didn't tell her about anything so maybe no.

Relax, Demetria.

The match started. Ron seems to be more confident than ever and he manage to block all the quaffles. Everyone was chanting Weasley is our King as a way to praise the youngest Weasley boy.

He was incredible today, he blocked every quaffle even the most unblock-able ones. Everyone was amazed by him except Demi, she knew his abilities.

"Go Ron!" Lavender screeched getting her attention.

Demi's eyes fell on Flint as he managed to shoot one quaffle to the ring, clapping her hands for her friend. He became more passionate in playing this game and he looked so good in that uniform so it wasn't a surprise when girls started yelling when he was able to shoot another one.

There was a party after the quidditch and everyone was there. Flint told Demi that he'll go somewhere. She rolled her eyes as she heard everyone chanting Weasley and then the chanting turned into gasps. She was curious and looked at the center, there she saw Lavender Brown, wrapping her limbs to the poor redhead's body.

What shocked her even more was Ron's reaction. He didn't pull away or step back... instead, he kissed her back.


She clenched her jaw and walked out of the room. Sitting on one of the stairs in the hallway. She started feeling her own tears falling down.

Of course, who was she trying to fool? She hadn't moved on from that redhead yet. And she hated the fact that months later, she's still suffering from the heartache that he gave her. How can he kiss someone? How can he move on that fast?

She felt stranded, she felt left on. She was the only one who still has feelings for the other. He moved on from her and is now happy.

He was continuing with his life. His life without her.

She wiped her tears trying to make them stop. After crying so much for everything that has happened, she didn't know she still have the ability to cry like this. She thought that she ran out of tears already. But here she was, crying over that stupid redhead. Again.

She didn't know if she could stand seeing him with someone else.

Someone sat beside her and placed their arm over her shoulders.

"Let me guess, Weasley?"

That voice brought her out of her thoughts. "A-aster?"

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm the only one with this handsome face, so I guess... yes?"

She hugged him so tight. Burying her face on his chest. "I missed you."

He kissed her forehead and hugged her back. "I missed you too, Demetria."

He let her cry on him, feeling his damp shirt. He frowned at his friend's sadness. "I wish I could help make you feel better. I wish I could stop you from loving that fool already."

She looked up to him. "I-is this okay? Y-you're not suppose to go near us, right? W-what if Snape or Malfoy sees us?"

He silenced Demetria using his hand. "Shush, Ainsworth." He smiled. "Mother sent me a letter! She said she finally found a way to escape. When she finally escape those Death Eaters, I don't have to put up with Malfoy anymore."

He handed her a letter, it was from Ester Birkenhead. "I'll be spending time with you again soon."

Soon he wouldn't need to follow their orders anymore, orders to help Malfoy on doing his job of killing Dumbledore.

"T-that's great news!" At least something good happened.

He smiled at her and wiped her tears for her. "It is." He hugged her and buried his face on his friend's neck.

He felt her crying again so he sighed and pulled away, half hugging her. "Go on. Cry it all out, Demi."

And she did.

"What happened?"

"I-I thought I was over him.. but I saw him kissing Lavender and it hurt... it hurt so much Aster."

He nodded while his hands turned into fists. He wished he gave Weasley more punches.

"Forget about him, Demi." Aster said, holding Demetria's face with his two fingers. He looked at her in the eye and smiled. "He hurt you? Let's hurt him back, shall we?"

Demi's face contort into confusion. "W-what?"

He tucked her hair on her ear as he said the next words loudly, echoing through the whole hallway. "Marry me."

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