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Summer has come and go so fast and before they knew it, it was already their 6th year at Hogwarts. The Great Hall was once again filled with chattering, friends were sharing all about their vacation and experience for the past summer.

But not everyone had a great summer.

"Will you stop eating?! Your best friend is missing!" Hermione said, clearly annoyed on how Ron kept eating even though Harry was missing.

"Oi! Turn around you lunatic!"

Harry entered the Great Hall, covered in blood.

"He's covered in blood again, why is it he's always covered in blood?"

He made his way towards his friends, beside Ginny. Hermione instantly interrogating and scolding him. They were all talking about where he was and what took him so long when Draco and Aster walked in, they were walking side by side. Malfoy had this huge smirk on his face. Harry glared at him.

Aster looked, rugged. There was a dark aura radiating from him, just like when they last saw him before summer. The four of them exchanged confused looks.

"Weird," Hermione said. "Aster always walks in here with Aeacus, Kris and De—,"

She contemplated after seeing Ron's deadpanned reaction. "...Demi for the past five years, that's why everyone started to call them The Four Leos,"

"And why is he with Malfoy? I thought they hated each other?" Ginny said in which they all nodded.

"He looks, different." Harry said. "Like he's tired or something."

The signature mischievous smile and look from the blonde Slytherin was nowhere out of sight. The absence of the light that used to shine brilliantly in his eyes was highly noticeable. He just walk towards the Slytherin table and took a sit. The other students didn't notice his and Malfoy's entrance though.

Minutes later and the Great Hall silenced. That's when Demetria Ainsworth came in, they all watched as she walked in the middle of the hall. Everyone was shocked to see her, of course everyone heard about the news of Gryffindor's so called Power Couple.

Her hair was shorter, with a length that was just above her shoulders. She walked silently without even minding the eyes that were on her, her expression was blank. Not even her eyes can be seen with emotions, but that's not what surprised everybody. Walking behind her was Aeacus Cromwell, he was digging his hands on his pockets with his signature blank stare. Everyone waited for the other two, but only the two of them walked in.

There was no sign of Kris Huckabee and Flint Vera.

The two didn't even bother to look at Aster who was busy eating his food. They both stopped in the middle while Aeacus said something to Demi before patting her shoulders and separating ways.

The Great Hall erupted into sounds of chattering once again. They were all giving their own theories on why Kris and Flint were missing in action and why Aster was with Malfoy.

"Did they had a fight?"

"Is this about what Aster did when we were leaving Hogwarts?"

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