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"Marry me."

Her eyes widened, what was he talking about?

Then Aster closed the gap between them, giving her a kiss on her cheek close to her lips that when someone sees them, they may think that him and Demi were making out.

Demi was too surprised that she didn't heard someone coming, giggling so loud. The giggling stopped and Aster pulled Demi's head to his chest, looking straight into Ron's shocked face.

He looked so.. confused, surprised and most of all pained. Aster liked it, he thought Ron deserves it after what he put Demi through.

"Oops, this room's taken." Lavender tried to pull Ron away but he stood his ground.

Aster and Demi. Their fathers wanted them to get married. Aster's mom wish. It all came back to him.

Are they really getting married?

Yes they are too young but it was common in the wizarding world to get married early and besides, they were both financially stable... so a wedding isn't impossible. Right?

Aster stared him in the eye, his jaws clenching. "Please, we need privacy. So if you wouldn't mind, I would love for you to leave."

He was so satisfied with the pained reaction plastered on Ron's face.

Ron stepped back and nodded, walking away. He followed Lavender to wherever she was. She pinned him on the wall and kissed him hard, immediately pushing her tongue to his mouth. He was surprised and pulled away.

He couldn't focus. He breathed fast and thought about what they walked in to. His eyes fell into Lavender's confused face, seeing Demi's for a moment.

The kiss felt, rushed and forced.

It felt different and unfamiliar. It lacks something. Something that he only felt when he kisses Demetria.

Demi lift her head up and sat a little far from Aster. "W-what did you say?"

Aster smiled. "Relax. I only did that because I saw the two of them approaching."

"And you expect him to be hurt?" Demetria chuckled bitterly. "You're only wasting your time Aster. He moved on from me."

She stood up from the stair and offered her hand to Aster who just rolled his eyes. He was contemplating whether to tell Demi about the hurt expression that he saw on Ron's face, maybe no. She won't believe him anyway.

"So, how about we grab something from the kitchens?" He changed the subject, trying to keep her from thinking about the redhead. She nodded at him and he held her hand pulling her with him through the corridors. "Then let's go madam."

"We should ask Flint and Aeacus to come with us too."

"Yeah, I don't think they're free right now."

Demi stared at him confused.

Aeacus and Flint told him about what happened last night. He knew they were teaching that Cormac a lesson right now, that's why they sent him to look after Demi instead. "Come on."

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now