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        Days have passed and they had learn a lot from Harry. At first, everyone didn't like the idea of having a Slytherin on Dumbledore's Army but with his four friends, who were assets of the group, they weren't able to kick him out of the association. After the fight with Malfoy, Aster was never the same. He talks with Demi but something was missing. As days passed, they had a small talk about why he was not in the mood and they were now back in good terms.

         They were having a practice duel.  

         "Ron and Aster," Harry shouted.

          All Gryffindors cheered for Ron. Kris and Aeacus cheered for Aster. Ron and Aster went to the opposite sides of the room, glaring at each other. They both glanced at Demi who was standing beside Flint.

          When Harry said the word "Go," the two pointed their wands at each other.

          "Stupefy!" They both cast and soon they were both flying backwards. Everyone clapped their hands but the two wasn't satisfied. Flint and Demi ran to assist Aster and congratulated him.

          Ron sighed as his twin brothers assisted him.

         "That was wicked!" They said in sync. Ron didn't mind though, he kept staring at Demi who was smiling at Aster. At that moment he wanted to be Aster, he was jealous but too oblivious to know it.

          The twins followed his gaze.

         "Feorge looks like ickle Ronniekins wasn't satisfied. Does he hate the Slytherin so much?"

          "I don't think he's staring at the guy Gred, I think ickle Ronniekins here fancies Ainsworth and he's jealous."

          Ron's head snapped at his brothers, "what the bloody hell are you talking about? I don't fancy her." he yanked their arms away and started walking out of the room when Harry finished announcing the schedule of their next meeting.

          "Hey Weasley!" The four Weasleys, the twins, Ginny and Ron, stopped walking and turned to Demi who smiled when she saw their reaction, she ran towards Ron. "Not bad,"

           Fred and George waited for Ron's reaction. But he just gave her a smile that didn't reached his eyes. "Thanks," then he turned his back and walked away. Fred and George looked at each other and nodded.

          "Sorry Demi, Ron is in a bad mood." Said Fred as he winked at her before walking away.

        Demi felt sad though, for what reason? She didn't know. Yet.

             Dinner at the Great Hall was noisy as usual. Professor McGonagall stood in front of the hall. "Silence!" everyone stopped talking and stared at the professor. "It has been decided by the professors to have an annual Hogwarts Ball." Some cheered and some, like Demi, groaned in annoyance. "Only students from fourth year to seventh year can participate in this event." the smile from the first years' faces fell, "It will take place here in the Great Hall next week and just like last year, there will be dance classes."

            "Why the bloody hell is there an annual ball?" Ron asked Harry who just shrugged his shoulder.

           "What? It must be fun!" - Flint

            Demi rolled her eyes, "it's not going to be fun Flint."

          "Come on now, it can't be that bad."

           Demetria rolled her eyes. Flint loves dancing, of course he would be excited for this.


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