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She sobbed and sobbed. She let her tears fall.

She didn't want it to happen this way, she wasn't ready to answer their questions yet. She wasn't ready to tell them that her friend died because of her. She can't be constantly reminded of his death, constantly reminded of being tortured. Or constantly receive those looks that held pity in them.

She can't.

What's worst is, she felt so alone under everyone's gaze. She felt trapped, like she's back to that hell again, feeling her body ache from the spell.

After crying for hours, she realized that it's already night. She stood up, wiped her tears and opened the door. She was about to step outside when she saw Ron sitting there, it looked like he fell asleep.

"D-Demi.." she was about to close the door again but he was faster, he scrambled to his feet and ran near the door, placing his foot in between the door and the door frame to stop it from closing.

"Why are you still here?"

Ron stared in her eyes, "I told you, I'll wait for you."

Demi would've laugh after hearing that. But she doesn't have the energy to do it. She just rolled her eyes and walked back to the corner of the room.

Ron entered, he sat at the other corner from Demi.

They were silent for a while, Ron didn't know how to break this silence. He wanted to sit beside her, to hold her in his arms and make her feel that he's there for her. That this time, he won't leave her in this chaos, unlike what he did before. But he can't. She doesn't want him to. She said it herself.

"I told you to leave me alone," Demi said, her voice cracking.

Ron gulped and nodded.

"I told you... I told you not to look at me, or talk to me, not to go near me."

Ron nodded, again.

"Then why are you doing this?" Demi asked, in an annoyed weak tone.

"Because I love you." He said, without hesitation.

"I told you to stop saying that."

Ron stared at her, he looked so frustrated. "No matter how much I try, those things that you asked me not to do, they come out naturally from me. And I swear, I tried my best to stop myself but.. but I can't. I once left you, I left you all by yourself when you needed me the most. So, now I'm here. I don't want to make the same mistakes again. I don't care if you get mad at me for doing those things, I don't care if you try to push me away. I just.. I just want to do these things for you, Demetria. Because, I love you. I love you so much."

Demi was surprised to hear this. She didn't expect him to say these things. She stared back at him, and saw how serious he was. Ron bit his lip, as his eyes became watery.

"And, it's killing me. It's killing me to see you hurting, Demetria. And what's even worse is that, I can't even hold you. I want so badly to engulf you into my arms. To at least comfort you. But I know that it will only hurt you even more. So, I'll settle for this...being by your side. No matter how many times you push me away, I'll stay... and I'll wait, I'll wait till you're ready again." His voice cracked, so he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for causing you pain. I'm sorry for pushing you to that cliff instead of saving you, I was an idiot... I-I'm sorry, Demetria." Ron rested his head on the wall, he closed his eyes as his years slowly fell. He was so frustrated and sorry. "I'm really sorry."

He was sobbing. And it made her heart hurt even more. She wanted to hug him. To run to his arms and tell him that she forgives him. That they should forget the past and just start again.

Ron wiped his tears and chuckled. "Sorry, I know that we shouldn't be talking about this, you have bigger problems than this."

Again, the closet was filled with silence.

Ron was contemplating about something.. but he finally decided that it was better to try. "Can I sit beside you?"

Demi, was silent for a while, she thought hard about it. Then, with lots of thinking, she finally gave her answer as she nodded.

Ron felt relieved to see her do that, so he sat next to her. He didn't know why the simple gesture made him so happy. But he saw this as a huge improvement.

The feeling of having him by her side, made Demi want to cry even more. She missed him. She missed him too, so much. So, after thinking for a while, she lets go of herself. She allow herself to be vulnerable around him, again.

She let her tears fall and buried her face in his chest. Ron was taken aback too, he felt himself in tears again. Both in sadness and happiness. He was happy to have her in his arms, but also sad because she was hurting.

"I'm so tired." Demi whispered. "I just want this all to end."

Ron's hand were shaking, as he attempted to brush his hand to her hair. When she didn't move away, he did it again.

"Just cry it all out Demi. I'm here. I'm sorry if it took a long time."

They stayed in that position for minutes. Until they heard someone shouting.

"Demi! Demi are you there??" They moved from their position and wiped their tears. Demi was the first to stand up. She opened the door and saw Aster standing there, he looked horrified.

"W..what's wrong, Aster?"

Aster's tears were falling. "Head-headmaster Dumbledore..."

Ron grew concerned. "W-What happened?"

"He's dead."

And with that, they all ran in front of the Astronomy Tower, Ron searched for Harry because he knew he would be the most affected. While Demi and Aster searched for their friends.

Everyone was mourning, for their headmaster died.

Hogwarts wasn't safe anymore.




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