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He is restless on his bed, keep turning around to get the best position to help him sleeping comfortably. His muscles were sore due to all the action and harness works for his almost scenes.

He don't want complaining when he is the one who wanted to do the manly character so much. He loves doing this, the action drama which he always dreaming of it. Looks cool with sword and bow, the costume is awesome, the set is magnificent.

He loves all that except she's not here with him.

Are you sleeping?

'Of course she already sleep, it's almost 2am!'

He is scrolling his phone, tap on photo gallery, staring to her photo. Zooming it, slide to her video just to watch her laughing and her face mimics which always hilarious and cute. He is finally put down his phone near to his pillow after gaining the sooth feeling and a bit strength to face more days without her.

He is about to closing his eyes when his phone ringing with her ringtone, he quickly grab it and answering the video call.


There's she is, with her sleepy face smiling widely to him. Her voice so raspy and sound sexy to him.

'So, she was asleep...'

He is feeling guilty but he still want to see her.

"I miss you so much Wang He Di..How's your day?"

"Miss you too, Shen Yue...."

He decided to talk for a while and let her continue her sleep with her face still on to him until he is disconnecting the line.

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