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The chaos from the front yard to living room still happening; there's sound of them chatting, laughing, glasses clinking and slow music at the back.

The whole space decorated with pink and blue balloons and it's too obvious for whoever will see it.

She still observing from far, a bit tired for moving around. She stay on yellow single couch with her a slice of cappuccino cake, her recent favourite with strawberry yogurt drinks.

The yellow daisies flowers crown on her head keep sliding down making her put away for awhile. She need hair pin for that.

She can see him clearly from her spot, grinning widely showing off all his teeth and that 'whiskers' just below of his eyes while talking to his friends. She can heard his laughter sound in her ears even he is standing away from her. His smile is everything for her. She hates to see his 'wifi' appear, he can be the worrywart sometimes.
She hates when he is too tense, the grumpy of him not adorable at all.

She never imagined this will be happened, after what they have been through. The breaking up hurts them the most. She remember clearly the night when they both wailing on her apartment. They were tired, confused, devastated, frustrated with their relationship. She was finally seek her freedom from their ill-situation. She was drained and he was given up.

They're broke up, separated in their own way. She still loved him. He is first love. He is everything for her. He is her life. She barely breathe because missing him so much. When he is back claiming her again with a ring, she didn't thinking twice to accept him back. Her heart belong to him. She cannot afford to remember him with love him anymore.

He was her lover back then and until now. He is the only her lover forever and ever.

"Delivery for my queen is here!" he is so loud, walking toward her with plate of varieties of fruits.

"Why you taking too long?" she can't hide her sadness.

"I'm sorry honey, its hard to pass thru those guys. They're clinging to me so much." he is pouting his mouth to the group of men direction who chatting happily.

"But i miss you...i want go wherever you go...why you leaving me here alone?" her voice trembling while control her overwhelming emotion.

"Oh...sorry my dear..i thought you will be more comfortable on your favourite chair and air-cond..sshh..don't cry...ok, let's move out! I will move everything here out, ok?" he quickly wiping the tears spilled on her cheeks and kissing her forehead.

"I love more this clingy Shen Yue! So cute! My very own baby panda!" he is now pinching her chubby cheeks gently.

"Are you saying me fat?! You don't love me anymore? Really? Wang He Di??!!" she is now crying out loud.

"Hey, panda is so cute! That's my favourite animal!" he is now wrapping her in his arms.

"Are you saying me like animal now? Seriously Wang He Di..?! Go away!!" still in sadness, she push his body away from her making him stumbling.

"Ok-ok-ok, i'm sorry...i should shut up my mouth!" he is slapping his mouth softly while muttering lowly.

"Come here my queen! You know that i love you so much?! Whatever you looks right now or in future, you still the most beautiful girl in my life! Because you are Shen Yue, the love of my life. Never doubt that, ok? Thank you for comeback to me, choosing me again and now suffering for me. I cannot wait to meet our babies here, the proofing of our loves. You and this two angels will be my strength and my weakness. I can't live with you, Shen Yue. Never forget that i love you so much, so-so-so much!" he is kneeling for levelling her eyes. She can spot the tears pooling in his dark eyes.

"I'm sorry, love...i love you too! I'm sorry hurting you..Don't cry, Wang He Di...i will cry too..." she quickly pulling him for kiss on his lips. He is sighing deeply while nibbling her lower lips.

"Ehem...gosh you two...get a room!" Jiaqi voice making them pulling fromm each other.

"How you can resisting later for two months, Didi? I think you need staying at the temple for time being." Xize chuckled while staring at the lovebirds still in each other arms.

"Shut up, Xize. Help me bring this chair out! My queen want stay outside with us."

He already standing up while assisting his heavily pregnant wife walking outside. Her stomach swollen bigger than normal size because of the twins. A boy and a girl. His happiness double up because of their future childrens which expecting come out only next 2 months.

This baby-shower party was planned by himself as surprised for his lovely wife who recently got unstable emotions making her moody and crybaby. She was cheerful, mischievous on early pregnancy then having worst morning sickness on the second trimester and now unpredictable mood-swing.

He is been with her along her pregnancy journey. He is enjoying every moments with her. Sometimes she can be unbearable but he patiently entertaining her demands. The normal Shen Yue never demanding so much, she is naturally giver. So when she is whining for attention or demanding something weird, he is gladly accomplished it.

She is cute as clingy wife, recently can't stay away from him more than 5 minutes. She even following him in bathroom. She is hilarious when pouting sadly makes him wanna tease her more. He don't know how to unlove her, the separation last time still giving him shivers to his spine. He still traumatised to remember those time, he is soulless human without his moon. He cannot live without love her anymore.

She is everything for him. She is his lover, forever and ever.

'Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (Forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my lover'


I cannot stop listening this song without thinking about DiYue 💛💜

Write this while working!!! Damn, random brain!!!

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