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He hate the silence, it's always creeping him out. He never ever familiar with this feeling in his whole life. He actually don't want even trying himself to be comforted in the silence alone.

Silence without her will killing him instantly. Without her voice whining softly, without her infectious laugh sound, without her humming voice while she is touching him absolutely makes him paralysed.

He is missing her so bad until he feels suffocated in that empty space.

'Please comeback to me soon...'

"Papa!!! We are home!!!"

That's voice pulling him out from his dark grey reverie.

There's a boy and a girl running towards him before landing safely in his arms. He is hugging them like there's no tomorrow.

"Papa, do you missing us?" The girl asking him while playing with his light beard.

"So much, cutie..!"

He keep kissing their face, they're is giggling due to his beard keep tickling them.

"Yangyang, take your sister upstairs. Take the bath first ok?"

He is staring at her, still beautiful and gracious as ever. Her soft wavy hair falling at her side of her neck, a pair of brown doe eyes captivating him like always, her fully lips looks delicious which makes him craving it even in his dream.



"How's the shooting? It's should wrapping last night, right?"

"Hmm..yes. It's finally wrapped."

She is smiling, the beautiful one. She is open her arms to him and he is cannot wait any seconds before diving in his very own tiny space gladly. Inhaling her scents, leaving his kiss along her neck to jawline.

"Welcome home, Wang Hedi..."

She is grabbing his face, rubbing her nose to his.

"I'm home, Shen Yue..."

He is closing the gap between them with his long, unending kiss tasting his home.

'with you, i'm home..'

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