Never Ever

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She looks at herself on the mirror, twirling few times. Looks at her new dark purple laces pyjama that she just brought earlier that day.

She is sighing from nth times, feeling numb inside, stucked with her own emotion.

She is walking to her bed and slumping her body onto her soft mattress, closing her eyes, trying calming herself.

The sudden Calvin Klein smell filling her nostrils. The cold lips touching her forehead down to eyelids softly while the huge hand caressing her palm gently. She don't want open her eyes because worried that water will spilling in from of him. His lips still moving softly to her nose, both of cheeks, to chin skipping her lips and now down to her shoulder. That lips trembling, stopping at her right bare shoulder.

"I'm sorry...i'm really sorry..." he mumbling softly against her skin.

"You need to know that i only can love you, i already give you my heart and my soul, Wang HeDi..I don't have anything to give to other peoples. But if it's hard to make you believing me, i don't know what to do anymore..." her voice sound very weak, forfeited.

"No no no...don't do this to me, Shen Yue..i can't barely breathe when you are not around...i-i'm sorry, please forgive me...i need you, i miss you..." he is now sobbing on her shoulder makes her tears slipped her eyes.

Her hand reaching his soft hair, tousling his hair gently.

"I love you...i love you so much..." he still not moving from her shoulder makes her pulling his face softly to hers. Staring to his deep eyes filled with tears.

She really hate fighting with him, both of them will become emotional and tired to each other. What you expect being in 5 years relationship and still in secret, rarely spending times together. They're both know this maybe happen and they're stubbornly want to be together. It's really tough, hard but they're make it just fine.

Until at some point, she can't even imagine to have future with other than this guy at her side but still they're can't avoid at some point they're tired with that. Fighting and arguing mostly due to jealousy or trust issues.

However, they were still back each other everytime. This cycling repeatedly few times and somehow makes her numb inside.

"Wang He Di, should we stop this?"

"No no no! Please Shen Yue, no...."

"I can't do this anymore...please, please let me go..."

"NO! NO! NO!!!"

He is waking up, breathing raggedly. He looks around, the scattered dark purple laces pyjamas on the floor tangled with his own grey boxer, white t-shirt and black Nike jogger pants. He looks at tiny figure at his side, laying numbly backing him. Her bare creamy shoulder and messy short hair looks static there, on his bed.

He quickly spooning that tiny body closer to his naked body, giving feathers kiss on her shoulder, hugging it tightly. She is stirring in her sleep because of the sudden contact from him.

"Hmm...let me go..."

"NO! NEVER!!! Why i need let you go...?" he tightening his hugs, the sudden panic creeping him inside.

"I can't breathe, Wang He Di!!! Let me sleep, please..." she is wriggling in his arms.

"Kiss me, kiss me Shen Yue!"

"Wang HeDi, what's wrong with you? Have mercy on me ok? I can't walk tomorrow if you keeping like this! I'm tired, you got 3 times already.."

"I just want you kiss me, please.."

She is turning around fronting him and pouting her lips to him, he caught it to taste it well, to make sure she is the real one. He is trying to deepening his kiss, she is grunting softly.

"Keep your Xiao Wang, i need go to work tomorrow." His little brother waking up due to aroused by the taste of her lips. He is staring at that doe brown eyes, looks shining even in the dark.

"Shen Yue, i love you so much! Promise me that you NEVER EVER leaving me, ok?" he is whispering onto her lips makes her smiles and closing the gap between them with sweet pecks.

"Are you crazy? Did you think i will simply let you go after what you have done to me? No need to responsible of it, Wang He Di! You will NEVER EVER can runaway from me for the rest of your life and i love you" She is catching back his lips again with deep kiss this time make his Xiao Wang can't sleep anymore.

' Unlove me, I dare you'


P/S : Yes, i know..i should updating Love Tutorials 😌 but still stucked at some part 😭 Please be patience with me lovelies 😌 That chapter will be quite long...

Here, let me filling you with my messy drabble 🙈 Hope you like it 💛💜

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