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Being his shopping buddy actually is between heaven and hell. This guy is unstoppable with his obsession with shoes, especially from Nike brand; just say it, AJ, Air Max, Air Force, Special edition, Limited Edition, this guy almost have it all and he got a room just for that.

He is definitely big spender and he cannot deny it. Since he make big money now, he is spending it as rewarding himself.

Knowing that guy since young, seeing him working ass off to make money, he thinks that he deserves it. If both of them got free time from own schedule, they will be either on basketball court, pc room, at home or restaurant for hotpots or shoes shopping.

Here they are in biggest Nike store in Beijing, after he done filming his new drama out of town.

Wang He Di can be sissy when come to shoes shopping. He is particular about it and taking his sweet time for it.

Xizi is giving up, taking the seat after touring that big store, inspecting one by one new collection of shoes. He is not really fond it actually, he is more directly choosing right away and furthermore he is not loaded as him.

"Did you got it?" Xizi asking him as he taking the seat beside him.

"Hmm, i got two of it.." he is busying with phone, maybe messaging with someone.

"So, are you done? I'm hungry like hell..."

"Wait, i need get something for her. They're still checking her size."

Yes, her. He never forget her, getting the matching item with him. At this rate, she will be shoes collecter like him.

"Oh? did you just bought the sling bag for her last time? I thought she mad at you with all these 'souvenirs' ?"

"Oh yes! She is whining at me to return all or give it to other person. Hell no, that's special for her and i got others design for my mama. That woman...ugh.."

"Hmm, i can understand her..."

"Wha-what? why? You should at my side not her!"

"Dude, it's Shen Yue you are talking about...and you think she is simply received all that when she is more can afford that? Did you know how independent she is? So, spend wisely on her. Maybe only for special item on special day?"

"Oh, you know that she is special for me. All that is special item and everytime i spent with her is special day. So, it's absolutely special, ok?"

"Wow, this is hopelessly whipped Wang He Di when in greasy!"

"Sir, here the three design in the size that you required..." The store assistant coming with three box of shoes.

He can see him glancing at him, Xizi quickly throwing the judgemental stares at him.

"Ok, i take this two...this pink and white one.." he pointing at two boxes.

"Never come to me if she yelling at you.."

"She love me! So so so much!!!"

"Whatever, dude..."


Hi all,

Just curious if you all have something in your mind about what kind of plot/situation that you have imagine between DiYue.

Can you share it here, i will try to write it in tiny story 😉 Maybe you have something more interesting to tell...

Thank you, lovelies..😘
Enjoy the reading 🥰🥰

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