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That the unusual free day for her after working ass off for few months filming the new wuxia-themed drama.

She got only a week for break before continuing her hectic schedule by touring around the China and several overseas locations to promote her new movie.

So she choose to stay home, doing whatever she want in her pad since it's been awhile back to her small apartment after been away.

She's waking up early, cooking simple breakfast and now lazying on her bean bag while listening to her favourite music from the LP player. She actually doing nothing than sipping her hot tea and staring to the bird playing at the outsite. Her mind is blank while the sunshine penetrating thru the day curtains bathing her face and skin.

'Hmm...the spring is here.'

Her favourite season is Spring and Summer. So, she really appreciated the warm of sunshine after battling the cold and wet winter when filming.




Her quiet-healing moment disturbing by the sound signaling the incoming message from her phone on the coffee table. She is wake up with her phone on flight mode, so there's bunch of messages incoming this morning.

She ignore it.




Due to cannot keep her curiosity about the contains of the message, she decided to get her phone. She technically slouching comfortably on the soft beanbag, moving lazily without even wanting losing that softness by dragging her body with the beanbag all the way to the coffee table with her foot.

She clicked the messenger icon,

Message 1 : Is he with you? Tell him, he got photoshot on 2 pm. Make sure he come 'clean'. WITHOUT MARKS!

Message 2 : Yueyue, tomorrow night we got game. Let him go, he said he will go if u let him. Please! We need him to win.

Message 3 : Yue, don't tell him that i 'borrow' that green AJ. Promise will return it in good condition soon.

Message 4 : Yue, let's have ladies night! Send your man away for awhile!!

Message 5 : Jiejie, kiss Ge for me!! I got that shoes from him!!

Message 6 : Yue, don't forget the PROTECTION!!

She is sighing, there's some much more messages to read. She put down back the phone on coffee table then slouching back for full few minutes.

Sipping her tea to the last drop, she standing up from her dreamy-beanbag then do the simple stretching her tired muscles.

"Why up so early...hmm...?" the husky-deep voice invading her quietness from the back.

The muscular arms already wrapped around her waist, the messy fluffy hair tickling her right cheek, the rough-feel chin and jaws caressing her crook of neck skin making her sighing deeply.

"I miss you...." said him again but now with additional lips movement on her shoulder while his morning wood poking her at the back and his hand getting busy and higher.

"Gosh,, the horny man!!" she quickly turned in his arms swiftly stopping whatever he wanted to do her.

She staring at his sleepy eyes, getting grunting from him but his arms still wrapping her body. He is standing naked, didn't bother to put any clothes showing his sinewy body which too sexy for her eyes plus his another part waking gloriously.

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