Sorry Not Sorry

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She is crying, sobbing softly at the end of the couch. He is frustrating, hate what he feels inside right now.

They're fighting all the time, it's normal since their character are really different. She is sometimes too stubborn, he is somehow really anxious about her.

"I just wanna go with them, can you trying understand me? It's not everyday that i can spend my time with them and you know that we're already planned this since last year! Didi, please.."

She is wailing to him, her doe brown eyes filled with tears.

"Shen Yue, it's not that i don't want you join them but it's too dangerous! You need think about yourself."

He is moving closer to her, pulling her slowly into his arms.

"Actually Xiaowen already talked to me about this, she is not really encouraging you joining them though...your health is more important, honey.."

"This is all because of your fault! I hate you!!"

She is struggling in his hugs to escape herself but he is tightening his arms around her and putting her on his laps.

"Honey, you are just in first trimester. It's too risky for our baby and yourself. Ok, let's do this. When you're becoming better, let's go to Arxan."

Her eyes suddenly brighter, her sobbing was stopped but still on with her adorable sad pouty face. He almost cracking his laugh. His preggy wife is always the best on her adorable-cutie-puppy face recently due to her unpredictable mood swings.

"Really?? Promise? Ok."

"Promise! So, do you still hate?"

"Hmm...i still hate you that i love you so much,Wang HeDi!"

She is mumbling in his neck, make he is chuckling softly. He think he can be anxious for the rest of his life just for her.

"I love you too and i'm sorry making you pregnant but not really sorry..."

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