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He is staring hard to his phone screen, ogling the photo and video. He is rushing to get on the van after the brand event, can't wait to see his phone.

"You're impatience again, Di..keep it low..." His manager who is sitting at the side glancing at him who occupied with that small device.

"Ugh, she getting prettier..." he is whispering lowly to no one.

He quickly out from Weibo and clicking the green icon, find her name...

< Stop being pretty, you looks too beautiful! >

He cannot stop tapping his legs while waiting the respond from her. He is now biting his finger, out of habits due to anxiety.

SY : Stop spitting nonsense! Are you done with the event?

After 3 minutes, he get the respond from her. He is grinning widely while looking at his phone.

< Yup, already done. I miss you 🥺 Please restrains yourself from being too adorable. Ugh, the problem is you still looks cute even when you don't do anything...💆🏻‍♂️>

SY : You are the only one find me adorable, stupid! No one will looking at me though..Get good rest, you looks about to die. Hey, i need boarding soon, will message you later. Go to eat, get some sleep, ok? Bye.

< Bye. Notify me as soon as you touchdown. Love you. >

SY : 😘

He is put down his phone and laid back to his seat.

"She's already boarding?" Hao-ge can read gesture him without even moves his eyes from the games.

"Hmm...i miss her like crazy, Ge.."

"Keep holding on, we almost finish it soon.."

"..and she will start filming after this, we were not aligned. It's become so hard."

"Don't lose your faith on this, if you really want it you will fight for it. I'm quite confident with Yue. She is unreachable if she didn't allow it and she is allow you. Believe in her, believe in yourself. You both incredible kids and you can make it as long as you want."

"I want her, i love her...but i'm afraid that she will getting tired of us being like this. This is not even like real relationship. We barely even met for passed 2 months."

"Stop with your ridiculous worries. Being relationship is not about meeting and cuddling, it's about commitment and loyalty. She is the only one who understand your schedule and you too. You both can tolerate with this and if you met others person, there's no guarantee that they can tolerate you like this. That's why Yue is deliberate in her feelings towards you, she is being you friend, buddy instead being the lover. It's different, Di. She is trying be the best companion for you. You should too, i love you both and i want to see you will successful together. I don't want you both getting hurt. So, keep strong, i believe you both can make it until the end."

He is staring to his manager who is still busy with his mobile games. This man looks emotionless but he actually really care. Hao-ge is also close to Yue and her manager, helping him covering them and be the best brother to him.

The sudden feels rush him inside makes him wrapping his arms around that chubby man, feels so lucky to have him at his side.

"Argh..Didi! you make me died! Let me go!" He is struggling in his arms before pushing him to his seat back.

"Love you, Ge..." he is smiles widely before wriggling his eyebrows and winking his eyes towards him.

"Now i know why it's not working for Yueyue...you seems like got some sickness with your eyes. Let's go to eat, Yue keep remind me to feed you and makes you get enough rest."

Hearing that from Hao-ge makes him grinning widely, he is determining to be more strong and stable for their future. For her. He is back to staring her photo on his phone to find more strength from it.

' Distance gives us reason to love harder because you're worth every mile between us...'

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