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He is browsing the paprika on the shelf and carefully choosing it. He put in the the trolley and push it to the fresh meat section. He is ordering to the butcher on duty which part and how many kilos that his required.

While waiting the butcher preparing his order, his eyes scanning the whole mart area to find that tiny woman.

"Sir, here is your order..." The butcher passing him the plastic bag containing with beef.

"Thank you." He is giving his smile before walking away from the counter to find her.

'Where's she? Can she just stay with me all the time...? Tsk...'

He got his own fantasy about going to shopping groceries with his lover and being romantic but it didn't happen with her. She will wandering alone and left him to pick any cooking ingredients since he is better than her in that section.


There she is in her casual sportswear, standing at the middle yogurt and drinks island with sample at her hand, she is looking around to find him.

'Ugh, why she looks too adorable??'

"Hey, what you got?!"

"There you are, have taste this! This is new brand and delicious! Should we buy this? and its buy 2 free 1!!"

"Up to you but make sure to finish it before expire date, ok?" Since the saleswoman is staring at them, he can't say no to her.

"Yeay.." She is put 3 cartons yogurt into the trolley happily.

"I already get all the ingredients, let's go to pay this." He quickly pulling her arm towards him makes her moves faster before she can detect any others promotion.

"Next time stick with me, i'm a lonely hot single man browsing vegetable and it's quite dangerous for you."

"Huh, why?"

"What if someone steal me from you? Since i'm looking so fresh and beautiful?"

"Huh?? Really? then i should go back with earlier hot guy, he is seriously hot and yummy!!"

"Shen Yue!!! Don't you dare...YOU ARE MINE!" He is stop immediately, glaring to the his little woman who feeding herself with yogurt casually.

She is stopping too, staring at him who looks bitter written on all over his face. She is pulling his hoddie collar towards her, closing the gap between them with sweetest kiss.

"I'm not worried because you are mine too!!!" She is walking away, leaving him frozen on his spot.

He can feels the blueberry flavor yogurt on his lips makes him grinning widely. She is unpredictable, she is his sweetest drugs.

The groceries shopping date is not bad idea though.

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