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He literally dumbfounded and anxious. He can feel the cold sweats running from his nape.

God!!! What i have done?!!

He was stunned for few minutes, his brain is numb. His hand is trembling.

And the worst is there's another pair of eyes witnessing his wrongdoing. The main witness also shocked with horror to see his end product.

He taking the deep breath, to compose himself.

"Xiao Yan, this is the best time to show how much your love to me. I know you love me so much, right?" he is trying smile sweetly.

He still quiet, but now his eyes showing the judgemental looks and its making him gulping his saliva instantly.

Ok, this not easy.

"Ok, listen. If you help me with this one, i will reward you with best gift!"

"Wis wuth?"

"Anything! anything you want!!"

"No bath, no gween in fwood, no mwilk, more pway game, i want sweep wit mama for...hmm..10 days!!! Pa, you can sweep in my rowm!"

"Oh wow! Wang Yan...i can give you anything, but Mama, nope! She is exclusively for me!! You want a sister right?! I need your Mama to produce your sister! So, no!!"

"Pa, Mama lofe this book sho much! Ma will crwy to see this!!" his little finger directing the torn sheet on the floor.

"Well, technically you are the one who starting it. If you are not snatched it from me, this not happen..."

" hathe him, Mama know it!"

His trying crack his brain to find the better excuse. This is one of her treasures and he will die once she see this. He quickly collecting the torn papers on the floor and smoothing the crinkles, trying to salvage anything as he can.

"Xiao Yan, let's eat dinner!!!" the sudden sweet familiar voice which coming from the door making him jumping on his spot.

"Wh-what happen here?! Oh God, what are you doing!!! My exclusive Kento Yamazaki photo book!! Didi!!!"

He is blinking his eyes as cute as he can like puppy while his son making face behind his mother who having mental breakdown seeing the book on his hand.

His last attempt.

Which is failed. She is shooting her laser eyes to him.

Ok, i will die!! Your sister-production plan is ruin, Xiao Yan!!


p/s : minor edit, please find it!!! 😜😜

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