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He feels suffocating, his blood boiling, he cannot help feeling mad with her.

She is here for godsake! After numerous time warning, she still brave showing her face in front of him. Giggling, waving even smiling to him. Its really creep him out. That girl really something.

"Don't worry Didi, i already notify out management to take strong action on her. Our bodyguard already get her out from this resort. You don't need to worry much about her,ok?" Hao-ge back from making phonecall with their management.

"Ge, this is not first time and she didn't even scared with our warning. Ugh, what's wrong with her?!" he cannot hiding his frustrated face anymore. Its ruined his mood all the way.

"She is quiet for awhile, we thought she is understand it but i guess she cannot stop anymore. The management promise to bring this up to legal department." Hao-ge patting his shoulder to calm him down.

"Yue!! I need inform Shen Yue!! She maybe going to her...." he quickly pressing the number 1 button, the quick call for her.

"Yue, are you ok?"

"Hello Wang He Di...what are you rushing for? Yes, i'm doing ok now...?"

"Listen here, that rabbit is back! She is here a while ago before our security chasing her out! Where are you now?"

"What? Are you ok? I'm at home, just back from dinner with friends."

"Yes-yes, i'm ok but i really hate her. Seeing her face in middle of the crowd really creeping me out. Yue, please do not out alone, ok? She know about us, i'm afraid she going to you...! Take someone with you or let your bodyguard follow you around or you can out with Sunning, ZhiThing, Kido,"

"Woah-woah..Wang He Di, did you give the green light to me to go out all that boys? You are so generous and it's not like you at all...just promise me that you are not whining later...ok?"

"Yue....i'm serious here. Even i'm not like that but for your safety, what can i do..."

"Yes, you can do something else. Pray for my safety is the best and don't worry much, i'm not doing boxing for nothing,ok? i'm sure i can beat her! Didi, i promise i will take care of myself or if anything weird happen, i will tell you quickly. So, don't worry, ok? Hey, is it the party time now? What are you doing? Stay calm and go enjoy your party!!! You love party!!"

"Shen Yue..."

"Stop worrying!! Enjoy your party, wipe off your wifi on you forehead, smile more, stop being grumpy cub! I love you!!! mwah-mwah-mwah.."

"I love you too...anything, call me!! you.."

He is sighing deeply, still worrying about her but now feeling a bit calm after heard her doing ok.

"Are you ok? Yue is ok?" He only nodding to Hao-ge.

"You still want to go to party?" He is nodding weakly this time.

"She want the video and photo of me enjoying the, what the option i have?" He is scrolling his phone screen when received the new message from her.

"Yue is incredible, my respect for her getting this high right now..." Hao-ge pulling his hand high on the air.

He can smile right now, his mood getting better when staring at new silly photoset of his tiny girl just trying to make him smile.

He can smile right now, his mood getting better when staring at new silly photoset of his tiny girl just trying to make him smile

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Have fun!! I love You!!! Our son will protect me 😊 - SY 💛

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Have fun!! I love You!!! Our son will protect me 😊 - SY 💛


For you~~ lizzyrain81 hope you like it 😉

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