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It's almost 1am when the van stopped at front of her apartment building. She quickly grabbing her stuffs and pulling the door.

"What time of your class tomorrow? Is it afternoon right?"

"Yup, actually evening, 2pm."

"Great, have good rest ok? Do you want me pick you up tomorrow?"

"Nah, i will go by myself. See you after class?"

"Ok, let's go.."

"Eh, no need Jie..I can go up by myself. You can go, have a rest too. Goodnight, Jie.."

She is walking slowly taking her time, pulling her suitcase into the elevator. She is completely blank, too lazy to think anything just staring at the door lift without much thought.

The elevator stop at 5th floor, she is walking out casually to her apartment door while fishing the keys from the bag crossing her body. Busy searching the keys not aware of her surroundings. Once her fingers touched the bunch of keys and lego keychain, she is smiling, facing the door and almost jumping due to shock to see that guy leaning to the door while watching her.

"A-are you trying to kill me, Wang He Di?!! What are you doing here?!"

"That's what i got after months not to see you? This is how you welcoming me? You are really something, Shen Yue..."

"Whatever...what should i react to this? You should get some sleep, zombie!! Go back home and sleep!"

"and now you're chasing me? no way..." He take the key from her hand and proceed to open the door, pulling her suitcase into her house.

She just rolling her eyes and following him inside.

"So, this is your apartment? where some boys spent their time playing games and chilling while her boyfriend is away making money, hanging on air?"

He is already standing in the middle of living area with both hand on his waist while inspecting the space.

"You are just more awful than my mother. Stop nagging, why you are here? Did you have early flight tomorrow?"

"I'm here to spend the night at my girlfriend's house and Hao-ge will pick me up early morning tomorrow. So don't waste our precious time. Come here and hug me. I need my vitamin, can't you see how shabby your man right? Can you be sweet girl and pampering me, the lonely bastard who need your loves?"

She is just staring at him, standing just two feet from the man who already opening his both arms to her. She chuckling softly while walking forward to his arms and jumping to his body wrapping her legs and arms around him.

"I just afraid that you are not real...only my hallucination, i hate that!" She is now planting her face on crook of his neck and he is inhale her scent deeply.

"You smell so good...i miss your smell. Shen Yue, why you so light? Stop dieting, you already tiny!" He is swaying their body slowly. She is move from his neck to see his face closely. They're staring to each other silently.

"Stop being too beautiful, i'm far from if someone try stealing you from me? That's what i'm afraid of these day when saw your photo. Never ever leave me ok?" He is whispering softly.

"Say to someone looks so mature these days, too charming, too boyish which can give heart attack to others lady but sorry, you can't get away from me, Sir. I will sticked to you like gum forever!" She is saying lowly, only for to his ears.

Their nose already rubbing to each other, she is giggling due to his breath tickling her face. He is grinning widely while his lips brush softly to hers, teasingly. The tension getting high but both still playing hard to get. She is open her mouth closely to him, when his lips trying taste it she quickly pull away from him.

"Shen Yue..."

"Wang He Di..."

"We only left 4 hours from now before Hao-ge kidnapping me away from you for fews month...stop playing, let's get the real things now..."

She is laughing for real now, that man already pouting.

"Because you are so my presents!" She is cupping his face before kissing his whole face and ended on his lips, the impatient man responding  very well with sighing deeply tasting her lips. He walking slowly to her room without breaking the kiss

"Sir, this is room, there...Wait, before that...where's my birthday present?" She is breaking the kiss when realised he just walking aimlessly to the bathroom.

"Can't you see? that almighty handsome guy with sexy body plus charming smile?"

"Where-where? I want see my birthday present!!!" She is now wriggling on his arms, looking around the space searching that man.

"Seriously??!! You!!!" He is quickly walking to the room while tickling her with his mouth.

"I will let you taste your birthday present!!" He is kicking the door close while drowning with that tiny girl who giggling naughtily.

"She's packed me her healthy breakfast and our son, 2,580,000 to keep eyes on me...and she got gift for you too, her yellow fisherman bucket hat because she know you hate yellow.."

"That girl so silly but thanks to her, you looks like a human again..." Hao only snickered to see his Didi grinning stupidly once he getting on the van.


P/s : idk if this can call as tiny story but whatever...its suddenly getting too long 🙈 that header i makes for this story but inspire me another storyline...😌

*Sorry, i only revise the title bc it's bothering me so much 😅

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