Another You

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He is here, back from his hometown bring her some food and things from his family for her. He was arrived with frowning face. No smile, no greeting. Bursting thru the door apartment without word, putting all the things that he bring along onto her dining table and now he is slumping on her checkered yellow sofa roughly.

'Oh, here we go...'

She didn't utter a word and walk away from him to her room. She is just back from her acting class at her company preparing for the new movie. She let him be alone for now because that tiger seems on rage right now.

She did not even taking a glance to him and locking her door to preparing herself. She can feels his eyes following her quietly. That piercing stares of him which can kill anybody instantly but not her.

She is taking her good time in bath, soaking in hot tub with aromatherapy oil to calm and healing herself. Done with bath, proceeding with her skincare routine and out from room to kitchen to taking her daily supplement vitamins.

She turning around and see him again, still at the same spot. Slumping lazily while staring at her.

"Oh, i thought you already going home?"

"Seriously, Shen Yue??!! are you real want do like this?"

"You are the one pick the fight first! Not me..."

"Fine, come here!"

"We are still on fight, right? So, no..let's fighting like this.."

"Ugh, Shen Yue...that's not fair! How i can even fighting with you when you're wearing that?" She can see his eyes lively while ogling her.

"Oh, this my pyjama! and it's midnight. So, your argument not valid, Wang HeDi!" her black satin camisole and ruffle short hugging her petite body perfectly on her delicate curves.

" You got so much others pyjama which look more decent for fighting me! You're on purpose to attack me like that, right?!"

She is shrugging and starting move from kitchen back to her room before that man already stand in front of her, blocking her way, still staring at her. She is taking two step back, creating the gap between them, crossing her arm on her chest.

He now ogling her without blinking, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. She is standstill waiting him starting the argument.

"Shen Yue...come here, please..."

"I don't want...until we clearing this!"

"Hey, i have right to get mad, ok? I'm missing you so much and seeing people getting close to you get on my nerves. Ok, that's my fault to love you so much..." He getting closer to her, reaching her hand gently.

"If hundred Wang coming to me, they are still not you! The Wang HeDi that i love..! I'm not easy woman to fall in love with anyone, you know..." her lips pouting cutely to control the overwhelming feels that she feels inside.

"Oh please don't cry honey, i'm sorry...i didn't meant to hurt you! It's my own issues, my fault, my stupid jealousy! Ugh...i'm sorry..!" he quickly wrapping his arms tightly around that sad petite girl and swinging their body gently.

It's been awhile since she in his arms like that, she is missing her love corner so much. She feels secured in his arms, feeling him too close like this, inhaling his smell makes her feel calm.

"I'm miss you so much..." she is mumbling in his chest.

"Me too..." he is kissing her bare shoulder softly.

She is pushing his body from her, he is frowning nervously because sudden gap between them like she is rejecting him. She is unlacing his arms from her body, stepping back.

"S-shen Yue..." his voice trembling calling her name. He is anxious with her reaction, this not what he want, he almost cursing himself with his stupid acts.

"Wang HeDi, remember this...Maybe i'm not show it, and makes you feeling insecure with me, but i love you so much, i'm trusting you whatever far we are, whenever we can't be together. I don't know how to not remember you without love you anymore. Even if we are not meant to be together, i think i will take more time to fall in love with anyone else. Even another you coming to me, that's still not you that i love! That's you in me, Wang HeDi..."

He quickly pulling her and kissing her deeply pouring his love to her, she is replying every kiss with same intensity to make him feeling her inside. Taking her in his arms to the room without breaking the kiss. He need her, she need him.

Love is weird, people aren't perfect, neither the relationship.


P/S : Just because...🌝

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