What is Love?

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Waking up early is one of her habit everyday, even on her off day. Her eyes trained well since schooldays by her strict father. She actually didn't need alarm to wake her up, she will waking exactly on 6.25 am, 5 minutes early from her locked alarm.

It's weird talent she guess, but sometimes it's annoy her so much, like that day. She actually very tired after last schedule on the day before, training her martial art for her next drama. Spending the whole day in the studio with harness practicing the moves.

She actually drained but she cannot sleep anymore. So she's getting up and refreshed herself to get her early breakfast. Coincidentally, her senior calling her to get breakfast together near her apartment area. Without further thinking, she quickly agreed.

She need distraction, her heart wanna run to that place since yesterday but she keep restrained herself and she is succeeding.

After get the delicate breakfast with the good friend while chatting, she feeling very ease and get hold herself back. Planning to back home and get some more sleep since that day is her off day.

The familiar figure sitting on the floor, hiding the head between the knees at front of her door making her freeze.

She is sighing deeply.

Walking straight to door, unlock it.

He is getting inside nonchalantly.

"Why you here? It's only 8 am!"

"Because you didn't let me coming to you last night. Schedule not change, i still need fly this evening."


"Feed me, i'm hungry..."

She go to kitchen and reheating the beef soup which supposed her lunch but now the breakfast for him. He is waiting at the dining table while staring at her.

"How's the shooting? Is it fun?"

"Hmm...as i told you before, they bombing me too much and i just running away saving my life. So far so good."

She put the bowl in front of him who barely open his eyes. He is just be himself, someone who didn't know how to rest when he should rest.

"Eat." she not sure how to talk with him face to face after months only texting and phone calls as their way to keep in touch.


She always have that feeling after awhile not meeting him, not because they're not close but they're too closed enough talking everything to each other everytime via phone until she not sure how to acts or talk when he is there, flesh and breathing lively in front of her.

Meanwhile, he is totally opposite from her introvert self. He can adjusting really quick, awkward and space not in his dictionary. He is very passionate person. He acting like himself after reading her mood. He is her mood-reader expert; even by listening her voice he can pick what mood she's in and it's difficult for her to lie or masking her emotion to him. So, she's give up to acting tough with him and just talk to him directly.

He got that power on her.

She's running back to kitchen after heard the click sound from her kettle to make the hot chamomile tea for him. He is easy getting skinny while filming and she's always whining to him fot that reason but she can't see his cheekbones protude out from that beautiful face, it's giving her stings in her heart.

Putting down the mug in front of him who feeding himself weakly. His eyes staring at her silently and she is staring back equally. His hand reaching her hand and caressing with his thumbs gently.

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