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"Let's getting married!"

She is only staring blankly to him who nonchalantly saying that suddenly.


"Yup, i wanna marry you!"

"I'm not pretty, i'm short, i'm clumsy, i'm violent, i'm not good in cook, i'm moody, i'm weird...are you sure you wanna marry me?? To stuck with me for the rest of your life?"

He is put down his water bottle, fronting her who sitting behind him.

"Yes, i know that! I'm pretty aware of it but when you screaming my name earlier, i think i can accept all your flaws. I don't want perfect human, i want the real one who can makes me fluttering only standing beside me for the rest of my life and it's you. Only you. Just you who can make my heart beating crazily with only your presence. How you think you are normal when you love me like that? I love all your weirdness, Shen Yue."

"Ok. But can you at least taking the shower before proposing me?"

He is quickly pull out his wet basketball jersey and hugging her makes his sweat all over her.

"You're disgusting Wang Hedi! I don't want marry you!!"

She is struggling in his arms, he is kissing all over her face ignoring her whines.

"This is my mark! You are mine!"

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