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It's late on afternoon and there's raining at outside. She is settling down on the long couch after the hotpot lunch, since its getting colder now. With the soft Amy Whinehouse singing Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow coming from the LP player at the corner.

Her tiny fingers brushing gently to the soft hair who peaceful laying on her laps while continue reading her book cozily.

She in her element, so relaxing and carefree on the unusual free day between her tight schedule.

Its making him happy too, the rarely chance to spend their time together alone, just being lazy and cuddling without much worries and stress. He was appreciated those moments when he can get be together with her.

She is his charger to his drained self, just a smile making him joy inside. Seeing her face in ease, it's soothing him too. He want pampering her and get pampered by her. He want love her all day and get her unlimited loves by himself. He want just staring her all the time and wishing the time stop for awhile for them.

But its wishful thinking, they're not like common people. Their love not like others. They've hard love, between heaven and hell but they're trying their best to get through it. Its hard to convince her to be in this relationship, she was worried about them but he never easily give up because she only what he want. Not others.

After keep their friendship for two years, she finally giving up and surrender to her own feeling and of course to him. Its making him fly on the sky. She is best friend, then his lover, later his wife and mother of his children in future. He never know that the weird feeling when the first time seeing her as his Shancai can bring him to this. The unconditional feeling towards her and its never fade away but getting stronger everyday.

He never know that he is very patient man until he keep waiting for her replying his love for whole this time. He is growing up with her at his side as his big supporter. She is his sanity and vision what he want on the future. She is teaching him how to be a better man for her unconsciously. She is all ears to listen his worries and happiness. Having deeper conversation with her is his favourite. He never too transparent about his thoughts with other people but only her. She is never judge him but giving him more courage to get trough the hard days. Having her as his best friend and lover is such a bless.

On the day like this, he want get closer to her. Listening to her soft humming and heartbeats. Getting touch her skins and his favourite part of her. Making her laughing with his silliness or having good laugh of her silliness back.

That's the plan but successful ruining by that Shiba Inu who cozily cuddling on her laps!


He just get up from her just going to the bathroom for a moment and now his place taken over by him, Yellow who enjoying her touch.

His first dog, Shiba Inu named Yellow, just because.
Yellow really hooked with his woman so much while she is the animal lovers instantly love Yellow in short time.

When she's inviting him to have lunch on her place, he is too excited. He even bring Yellow along because he is jumping excitedly when he mentioned her name but now he is betraying him with stolen her affection from himself. He is regretting now, he should left him in that empty house!

Look at that glancing!!! Yellow, you are such a dog!!! How dare you!! This is means war!

He slumping roughly at their side making her and him turning their head to him but she just smiling and back to her book while Yellow just ignoring him and keep snuggling to her.

Its raging him inside.

You, dog!!!

The silent war between him and his dog now. Its now or never.

He sneakily push Yellow at the other side while getting closer to her with soft push. Its stirring his sleep but he just don't care. He keep pushing him from her but suddenly he is barking loudly at him make him stunned.

Yue turning her head to him with furrowed eyebrows, he is gulping his saliva nervously.

"He taking my place! This my place earlier!" he quickly reasoning his acts.

"Didi...just let Yellow sleep here and you can sleep in my room comfortably." she keep petting Yellow head who seem like mocking him with his face.

Didi - 0, Yellow - 1

"You should having the best rest, look at your eyebags. Its getting darker and heavier. Go inside my room, have a good sleep." he want counter back or whining but he don't want ruined the day.

He is pouting with that injustice but she didn't see that, walking weakly to her bedroom and slumping his body roughly. She is his woman but she sometimes too dense to understand his desire.

He is really tired and he need her the most. With displeased treatment from his own girlfriend, he is getting sleepy with her full scent from her pillow and blanket.

He don't know how long he is sleeping but he wake up with tiny body wrapping him closely to him replace her pillow earlier. He is sniffing her hair deeply with some flower scented from her shampoo. Taking sneak peek to her calmly face who is buried in his chest. Cannot help, he tracing his lips on her face with feather kiss and making her stirring in her sleep. He cannot stop, she is humming softly and its best music to his ears.

She is palming his mouth to stop him from bothering her with his kiss but he is just know how to make it works, he just kissing her palm biting her finger gently and getting soft scream from her.

"Didi.." her hoarse voice cannot help at all but firing him inside to get more naughty.

He is dunking into her crook of her neck, licking her sweet skin at he craved so much. She is mewling under him, he is biting he neck like horny vampire, make sure leaving his mark on that creamy skin since he know she is free from schedule for next three days.

"That's for choosing Yellow than me! I'm your man, you should alway choose me first,ok?" he is find her eyes in dim light. That beautiful eyes.

"How you want be a father like this, Didi? Im worried if you will sulking all the time when i prefer our child later..." she is whispering to him softly while mocking him with her face. His eyes getting bigger when she mentioned about their future children.

She want child with me!

"You know that i will be best father ever, Shen Yue...How about we making one now and let see if i can handle it well..." he is quickly tracing his tongue to her skin while tickling her waist making her giggling happily.

I love this.
I love her.
I love us.


Fluffy like dog, fluffy like DiYue 💛💜

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