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He can see her agitating on her spot, she is trying to read but she looks like can't focused. He is stay quietly while playing his mobile games but can't help from peeping at the anxious her.

She is sometimes grumbling softly and her face is distorted, sulking. He is hesitating whether he should start talking to her or not.

"Shen Yue...are you ok?"

She is throwing her stares to him with lowly whining voice.

"I'm hungry..."

" want milk? or cereal?"

"No! i can't! it's almost 12! ugh...!"

She suddenly moves from her spot and jumping on his laps. His phone already slipped off from his grab, startled with her sudden moves.

"W-what now?"

"I can't eat, i can't read, i'm not in the mood doing anything..let's do something together!!"

"Okayyyyy...what do you want to do?"


She is cupping his face and kissing his lips, hungrily. She is nibbling softly his upper lips makes him groaning deeply.

"Hmm...This is no calories, no fat but still delicious..."

She is looks really serious when talk about it, he is confused with her behaviour. She's always grumpy when hungry but she never do this.

"Ziwei said this is best method to make me forget about food."

When he still trying to process the information from that tiny woman who is sitting closely on his laps, she already proceeding her kiss along his jaws slowly to his ear makes him turning on.

He is not sure what the deal between woman and their diet but if this the way he can help her, he absolutely more than wilingly to satisfy her anytime when she need.

"Shen Yue....are really want 'eating' me right now?"

His voice become more deeper, his breath already hitched with the movement of her. She's just answering with nod at crook of his neck, he can feels her soft lips lingering at it.

"Ok, let's do it can have best fine dining ever.."

He is grabbing her tightly to his body and walking to the their bedroom while let her 'tasting' him.

Hungry Shen Yue is heaven to him.

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