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That's it?!

That's the end?

It's really painful....!

It's been three weeks after their big fight. No call, no message, he being silent on other side. Not like their usual fight, this time they're crossing the line.

Being in secret relationship for years and she been thought that they will make through till the end but here they are, at the edge of the end.

She never thought that she will loving this one too deep and she also didn't want ruin the friendship between them. She even promised to herself that whatever happen between them, the friendship bond will be there, forever.

To let herself fall in love with him is the biggest decision that she ever make. Her principe to not fall in love or having romantic things with her own friend broken by this one particular guy.

He make her confused, he wanna be her friend but he done more than a friend should be. She know herself, she know how he acts around her, she know he trying break through that wall and she let him.

She let him do that, she let him touch her another heart, she let her heart beating unusual for him, she let her mind possessed by him, she let herself all desire only for him, she let him own herself voluntarily.

And the return, she got really beautiful love that she ever had. Her first love ever, first relationship, first lover and now first break up. This is the process but she never ready to the last part.

She know whatever happen she will need go through the last part. Guess that he is something borrowed, too beautiful to be real for her. This is her expiration date, the time she need return him, out from her life. He is not for her.

Just to think of it make her heart scream painfully. It's like being ripped to thousands pieces. Even her one million tears cannot soothing this pain anymore.

She need let him go.


It's almost three months and she decided to put it back to their own place.

When meeting his tired eyes, staring at her with hint of shocked maybe unexpected to see her standing outside at his unit suddenly on late of midnight.

She is smiling at him, sincerely.

He looks fine, at least.



"Hmm...can i coming inside for awhile? Sorry for disturbing you.."

"N-no, no...sure-sure..." he quickly come forward to pin his password code which tattooed in her mind for long time - 291017.

She cannot erased that even she want.

She stepping inside while dragging the large luggage behind her. He only staring at her silently.

She was secured in his unit and standing in the middle of his living room, while he is being everywhere picking up this laundry scattered around the area, empty beer tins and bottles, overload ashtray with cigarettes butt.

She automatically pulling out his curtains and open the sliding door let the air go through this space smelling of the tragedy. She need more for air too for later.

"I'm sorry, it's a mess..." there's unfamiliar tone in his voice, the distant.

"You have a seat first, i will make you tea." he clean his coach, ready a space for her while walking pass her spot with various things in his hand.

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