Truths and Dares

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A/N- isn't that thing up there great? Anyways, here you go another chapter!

[No Ones POV]

The bottle landed on Kaminari. "Truth or Dare?" Bakugo said he obviously had a plan.

"Dare!" Kaminari said thinking he was up to the challenge.

"I dare you to go out side and go to 1.3 Million volts, and then stay in your condition the rest of Truth or Dare." Bakugo said evilly. It was official, no one was safe. "That, or you eat Liver."

"OH HELL NO!" Kaminari yelled, he walked outside and then came back in, brain fried. Everyone died laughing. Kaminari could still hold short sentences though, as he spun the bottle. It landed on Aoyama. "Wheyyy... Truth or Dare?" Kaminari asked, hoping for him to say Dare.

"Truth for moi!" Aoyama said, Kaminari was screwed.

"Uhhhhh.... Why don't moths be attracted to your laser?" Kaminari said super disappointed.

"Oof. Good question!" Sero said now curious himself.

"Because, Kaminari mon ami, my laser is simply too flashy for them!" Aoyama said over dramatically. "Now I'll spin!... Todoroki, T or D?" Aoyama asked.

"Um.. I guess Truth?" Todoroki replied confused. He'd never played this before.

"Ok then! Is your hair naturally two different colors?" Aoyama asked looking genuinely curious.

"Yup." Todoroki answered in a monotone voice. "Anyway—" He spun the bottle "—Sero, Truth or Dare?" Todoroki asked guessing that's how the game worked, he was still very confused.

"Dare!" Sero said. Kaminari got up and whispered something in Todoroki's ear and then sat back down.

"I dare you to tape Iida to any wall with Flex Tape?" Todoroki said his voice said confused and questioning, his expression was a 'Wot the focc?'

"YES!" Sero said and immediately went to Iida.

"I'll only allow it once. I guess it is good to loosen up sometimes," Iida stayed. After a few minutes he was taped to a wall.

"Ok! Truth or Dare Tsu?"

"Truth. Ribbit."

"Is it true your Bi?" Sero asked not looking but supporting? Tsu didn't know how to explain it.

"No, I'm actually Pan. Ribbit." She said happily, but still scared that she wouldn't be accepted. Of course the opposite happened and everyone accepted her. "Anyway T or D Bakugo?" Tsu said changing her tone from a bit fearful to full on smug. The rest of the girls, besides Momo, looked smug too. What did they have planned?

"Dare, obviously, I'm no a fucking slimeball coward!" Bakugo said with his very, um, 'colorful' vocabulary.

Tsu giggled. "Ok then. I dare you to call Kirishima by his first name until after we finish our next game!" Kirishima immediately turned as pink as Mina's hair.

"Fine," Bakugo said looking away, his ears tinted a light pink, but no one noticed. Everyone was too stunned at how easily Bakugo agreed. Even the girls were surprised. He spun the bottle like nothing happened. "T or D Raccoon Eyes?" He asked.

"Dare!" She was determined to make the room lively again.

"I dare you to eat the liver." Bakugo said. He was probably getting revenge.

"What liver?" She said smugly, oh what a smug looking idiot.

"The liver that me and... Eijiro bought" he said frustrated, trying to not punch her.

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