Getting Ready

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A/N- this chapter will be chatfic and fanfic. Have fun!

DANKi: Oh my god we never named this chat.

DANKi has named the chat You'll never escape

DANKi: Much better!

LivingCraftingTable: Wait I should probably kick Mineta if I'm going to say this.

LivingCraftingTable has kicked GrapeThot from the chat

LivingCraftingTable: Anyway, remember, the sleepover is tonight! Here's a list of things you'll need to bring just Incase one of you forgets!
-Change of clothes
-if you want to, any game you have
-Phone (obviously)
-Sleeping bags (optional) I have enough bedrooms for pairs, but if you don't want to sleep with them, bring a sleeping bag!
And I think that's it. See you all tonight! Oh and it starts at 6! We're making our own food since my parents are out of town.


Flamingo: It's all going according to plan! I'm so hyped!

InvisibleShit: Same!!

Uravity: We should list off the sleeping arrangements!

KermitThePepe: Good idea!

-Kirishima and Bakugo
-Todoroki and Midoriya
-Kaminari and Sero
-Shoji And Tokoyami
How do we pair off every one else? We're going to have an extra... and there's going to be us...

Uravity: Wait I have an idea! They draw lots to see who they're partners with ( ridged obviously) And then  randomly for Iida, Ojiro, Sato, Koda, And Aoyama! And we'll also go randomly!

InvisibleShit: Or we can have one person not from our class? Can I add some one?

Flamingo: Sure!

InvisibleShit has added Eden to the chat

Eden: Is this a shipping chat I see?!

InvisibleShit: Yup!

Eden has changed Eden's name to FurryChild

FurryChild: I've read the rest of the chat. This will definitely work. So who am I paired with?

Flamingo: You'll be paired with Iida!

FurryChild: Yes! And can I suggest pairs?

KermitThePepe: Sure!

FurryChild: Ok how about Koda and Ojiro and Sato and Aoyama? I'm not the best at these things, but hey, they can attest become friends if not together!

Uravity: Yeah! Thanks for the suggestions!

FurryChild: Yw! Can't wait to see my ships canon!!

Flamingo: Yeah! This is going to be great!


*Kirishima's POV*

I was getting ready and putting on my pj's. It was 5:35 I had about 20 minutes to get ready, since I was meeting with Bakugo and my house was 5 minutes away from Momo's surprisingly. I have my phone, a change of clothes, and my red dragon onesie on. I have 20 minutes left to spike my hair, but I won't be cause I knew it would get messed up anyway. So I just looked at memes while waiting for Bakugo to get to my house.

It's 5:50, he should be here, I thought, just as I was wondering where Bakugo was, there was a knock at the door. I quickly got up to open it. "Hey Baku! You ready to go?" I say with a toothy grin.

"Sure, Shitty Hair," Bakugo responds.

"Ok then, let's go!" I say, grabbing my stuff and closing the door.

As we started walking I realized that at we'd be 5 minutes early. "We should go get snacks to bring!" I said, I didn't want to be early, that might be weird plus, we'd help out!

"Doesn't Momo live in a mansion or some shit? She's bound to have snacks." Bakugo said giving me a curious face.

"Yeah but we could prank them! Get foods that look good but taste terrible, or we suggest truth or dare and make them eat it!"

"Tch, how do you know me so well Shitty Hair?" Bakugo said with a smile. Wait Baku's smiling?! I feel blessed.

"Ok then Let's go!" I said with a smile as we walked into the store. We got hot sauce, that Bakugo insisted wasn't hot enough, but bought it anyway. We also somehow got Liver. Tonight's going to be fun.

I checked the time we have just 3 minutes left. If we ran we'd make it. I knew the only way to get Bakugo to run for an event like this, was a challenge.
"Baku, want to race?" I ask.

"Why? We can just walk." He said carrying the bag of the stuff we bought.

"So you're stepping down from a challenge? Guess that means I am faster than you." I said with a smirk, Bakugo can't turn the race now.

"Fucking fine. Only if you stop calling me Baku!" Success!

"Ok Bakubro! Oh wait no, Bakubabe!" The last part made my self go pink a bit, but Bakugo went as pink as Mina!

"Nevermind, Baku's better!" Bakugo immediately started running, probably because he doesn't want me to see his embarrassed face. At least he's running. We getthere right on time. All the girls were there, probably to help Momo since she was alone at her house.

"Hey, guys! We're setting up in the lounge until we all sleep. You can go put your stuff there we're waiting on everyone else." Mina said with grin as she pointed in the direction of the where we should put our stuff.

~Timeskip because why not~

After a few minutes everyone was at Momo's house. This is going to be fun! I wonder what's in store?

A/N- Eden is one of my friends irl his quirk is shapeshifting into animals.

Bnha Class 1-A chatfic/fanfic (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now