Red as a Tomato

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*Hagakure POV*

As Mina and I continued fangirling, I look to my left and see Mina's beautiful smile and laugh, and eyes... I almost kissed her right there, but then I noticed something. I saw small freckles under her eyes. "You... freckles..." I said out loud, immediately slapping my hand to my mouth the minute I registered that I had said that, not like anyone noticed, I am invisible after all.

"Oh! Dang... my makeup must have come off. I should reapply that..." Mina said, touching where her freckles were.

"Makeup? You shouldn't cover up your freckles! Honestly, I think they're cute." I said before thinking, then immediately turned red. Now that, you could see. "I-I-I mean you l-look great with your f-freckles and shouldn't h-hide them!" I stuttered.

Dang it. "Really? I mean... I guess I could go a day without my makeup covering my freckles..." Mina said, I think she was blushing from embarrassment but I couldn't tell since her skin was already pink.

"Yeah! You'd look great!" I said more enthusiastically, the pink gone from my skin. "Wait how do they have makeup in your skin color?" I said trying to change the subject, and thankfully it worked.

"Oh! Well,..." She began, and while she talked about it, I calmed down knowing that a bad situation was avoided. Maybe I'll tell her I like her... someday.

*Tokoyami POV*

Shoji and I cleaned up the stage and put our equipment away back in the cases. Then Shoji stopped for a second and turned to me. "Uhhh, Shoji?..." I said as he stared at me, looking flustered.

"I.... Tokoyami, I like you!" He said quickly. Wait.... AH! He likes me back?! Oh god, I need to say something!!! Uhhhh.... umm.

"Me too..." was all I could reply with.

"Can I call you Fumikage?" He asked, red as a tomato.

"No. Call me Fumi. It's easier. Does this mean I can call you... Mezo?" I asked, still bewildered that Shoji liked me back.

"Yeah of course! Oh, I'm just so happy you actually like me back." He said sounding less flustered.

"Same. Um.. want to share a dorm then?" I asked, a weight being lifted off my chest because my brain finally registered that Mezo liked me back. It's so weird saying his first name now, but I like it.

"Yeah! Your dorm?" He said we continued to put away the equipment.

"Yeah," I said. He gave me a thumbs up in return, as we continued to make sure the main gym was clean.

*Kirishima POV*

"Eiji... are we almost done? I want cuddles..." Katsuki said, on my back while I gave him a piggyback ride and cleaned the last of our spot in the gym.

"Yeah, I just finished. Want me to carry you to our dorm, we watch a movie, and then sleep?" I said, knowing that's his favorite things to do in his downtime besides training.

"Food..." Katsuki responded.

"Ok, I'll bring food to the dorm too," I said, holding in a laugh but still smiling.

"Let's go!!" He said angrily like he is when he's tired.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I said laughing and walked out the door.

~~very short time skip b/c I can~~

I took the pizza from last night and reheated it, And headed back up to Katsuki and I's dorm. "What movie do you want to watch Katsuki?"

"Mmm, Nightmare Before Christmas." He responded with, cuddled up in the blankets.

"It's nowhere near Christmas or Halloween, but ok!" I said turning on the T.V and going to amizoom (don't judge me.) and selecting Nightmare Before Christmas. As it started up, my and Katsuki cuddled up closer and watched the movie. By the end, I was just awake enough to press the power button on the remote, and fall asleep next to Katsuki.

As I fell asleep I thought about today, and how adorable Katsuki was when he was drumming. And in my dreams, for some odd reason, I thought of tiny puppies and kittens. Not complaining though, I was dreaming of the cutest things in the world, because Katsuki was there as well in my dream. I had a great nights sleep.

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