Lets go Sapphics lets go

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A/N- Before the main event take some Tokoji

*Tokoyami POV*

"Mezo, can you help me with this part? I can't get to look good, and Dark Shadow is not helping," I ask my boyfriend, who was currently sitting next to me drawing the bird, Gerard Way, that we kept in our dorm no one knew about. Not even the rest of the Emosquad.

"Yeah, sure, Fumfum. Here, just do this and make it a bit more curved, and then repeat that somewhat," Mezo said while guiding me through drawing Gerard Way's, not the bird, hair. We might've agreed on him calling me Fumi, but holy fuck I love Fumfum more and I love this man. I'm currently drawing what I think it would look like if the whole emo quartet hung out together. It actually looked really good.

Not to brag, but I think me and Mezo are some of the best artists in the class. "Thanks, Mezo," I say as I continue drawing.

*Yaomomo POV*

As I waited for Jiro to knock on the door, I got a little anxious. What if she doesn't like me? What if it's just a close friendship to her? Before I can get too deep in my thoughts of worrying, I hear a knock. Jiro. I walk over to my door and open it.

"Hey Jiro! Come in," I say with a bubble tone.

"So, what'd ya want to tell me?" She asked sitting on my bed, I move to join her.

"W-well uhhh... I umm.. Jiro I... huh, this seems harder than I thought to put in to words... uhhh..." I say, struggling to find the confidence and voice I had only moments ago.

"Take your time, I don't mind," she says reassuringly. She always know what to say. I nod, soon finding the words.

"Jiro, I really like you, and I have for a little while. Your just so cool and nice and your personality... I just can put it into words... your-your amazing and wouldyoubemygirlfriendplease?" I say rather quickly at the end.

"Of course!! I like you too! Thank God, yok like me back!!!" She said happily, tackling me with a big hug. We both laugh as I fall down on my back, bringing her with me.

"So I can call you Kyoka? Or you want me to just can you Kyo?" I ask.

"As long as I can call you Momo,"

"Well duh!!" I laugh. For the rest of the day we hang out, planning on telling the group chat tomorrow.

Bnha Class 1-A chatfic/fanfic (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now