Thursday Bakusquad Shit

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A/N- idk if I mentioned this but it is now Thursday in the story and the bakusquad is ready to create hell. Also they're doing a thing. Enjoy!


FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: Holy shit.

DANKi: What?

FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: What if we act like each other for a day?

FlexTape: How tf?

FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: We pull names from a hat and then whoever we get we have to act like the next day.

AngryPomPom: If I was any one of you for s day, my grades would fucking drop. Unless you're Eiji. I tutor him so of course he's smart.

GayOfSunshine: Awwww Katsu!!

FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: Anyway, do you want to do it today? Meet in my dorm.

FlexTape: It's passed curfew. It's 1:00am.

FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: Who cares.

DANKi: Me and Hanta will be there in 4min.

GayOfSunshine: Me and Katsu are heading down rn!

FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: Ok then! Let the game begin!

FlexTape: Wait what about Jiro?

FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: She wouldn't do it. Plus she's asleep.

AngryPomPom: Open your door, pink.

FlexTape: Denki imma yeet u to Mina's dorm and then I'll Sanic run to you.

DANKi: Sure.

GayOfSunshine: NO!!

AngryPomPom: Don't you dare you little shit you'll hit Eiji.

DANKi: Sorry Hanta, my dads said no.

AngryPomPom: When the fuck were we your parents

DANKi: Since rn

FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: Guys hurry tf up

FlexTape: Oof ok we here bois


AngryPomPom: Never type or say that ever again.

FlamingoOnAnAcidTrip: NO PROMISES!

—owo real writing—

*No Ones POV*

Kaminari and Sero walked in, Bakugo in Kirishima's lap, Mina across from them with a hat in the middle. It had five pieces of paper, each one with their names on it. "Sit down! Let's begin!" Mina said excitedly, the two boys sitting down and holding hands. "I'll go first since I had the idea."

Mina picked up the hat and shook it a bit, and then picked out a paper. "I got Kami!" She said holding out the piece of paper to prove it. "You go next Kami!" She handed the hat to Kaminari, who, while shaking the hat, said 'shooketh' and then picked out a piece of paper.

"I've got Bakugo! Oh shit I have to be mean now. Are we telling the rest of the class?" Kaminari asked now concerned that his classmates might hate him more after this.

"Nah. Not until tomorrow." Mina replied. "Now, Bakugo's turn!"

Bakugo took the hat and shook it a few times, and then pulled out a piece of paper. "I got Pinky. Oh shit I have to be social... ughhhh." He said, handing it to Kirishima. He shook the hat and then took a piece of paper.

"I got Sero, and Sero got me!" Kirishima exclaimed.

~~random ass timeskip bc I took a nap~~

"Morning bro no homo right?" Kirishima said when he woke up again, at the correct time, cuddling Bakugo. He already was like Sero.

"All of the Homo!" Bakugo said in a more energetic voice than normal. Even though he just woke up, Bakugo seemed way more energetic and not im-going-to-explode-your-face-like. But with Kami and Sero...

"Wake up tapeface!" Kaminari said, trying to be hard to Sero, but it was really hard to do. He knew that Bakugo had a soft spot for Kiri, so it's the same thing for him and Sero right?

"I'm up Denki! Uwu." Sero said in the most Kirishima voice ever.

"Good. Now let's get ready Hanta." Kaminari said, nicer than before a bit.

Mina, was the same, but less homo obsession and more memes. Today was going to be a long day, and class 1-A was going to be scared to life.

A/N- Owo this was a fun chapter. Hope you liked it, bye!

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