Some Soft Boys and Aizawa Appreciation

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y'aren't ever going to leaven't

FlexGay: I just wanna say, AIZAWA IS BEST TEACHER.

DANKYEET: The tea has been spilt.

IReallyDontCare: If you google "Who invented talent" Tyler Joseph comes up no joke.

GerardBorb: Holy shit you're right

MyScar: The truth


GravityDontDoShit: YES.

Teachers of U.A

CockatooLookinAss: I'm about to destroy this mans while career.

CockatooLookinAss: And by man, I mean me.

TasteTheDepressionMotherFucker: Hizashi, the fuck are you doing now.

CockatooLookinAss: I'm going to burst in the 1-A dorms wearing a Duolingo costume and say "Beg for your life in spanish, bitches, or your family is not so lucky," I'm going to terrify these children. But the bakusquad will either love or hate me for what I do.

TasteTheDepressionMotherFucker: Todoroki would just say "Kill my dad first,"

CockatooLookinAss: Correct Shota, but I give no fucks. The students get what they ask for. I need to add Hitoshi in here so I can tell him to tell his class that they all need to go to the commons.

CockatooLookinAss added Dead! to Teachers of U.A

Dead! has changed the chat name to Taste The Rainbow Motherfucker

Dead!: Now, what am I actually needed for?

Dead!: Oohhh ok. I'll tell 'em to go to the commons.

CockatooLookinAss: Did he just...?

TasteTheDepressionMotherFucker: Yup.

y'aren't ever going to leaven't

Dead!: Everyone go to the commons, Present Mic has something for the class.

SoBasicallyImMonky: K we coming.

Actual writing

Present Mic burst through the door wearing a Duolingo costume. Everyone except the Bakusquad was terrified. "Beg for your life in spanish, bitches, or your family is not so lucky," He said.

"HELL YES!!!" They all scream in unison as the rest of the class hides. "Can you help us with an Aizawa appreciation day?" Kirishima asks.

"HELL YEAH!!!!" Present Mic screeches. What a nice day.

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