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+Bakugo's POV+

Shit... I have to confess to get out of here? Ugghhh I'm screwed. This Sunshine shitty haired asshole will be the damn death of me. "YOURE SO DEAD YOU FLAMINGO SHRIMP EATING ACID TRIP RACCOON EYED DUMBFUCK!!" I yelled, hiding my embarrassment.

"Katsuki, can you please calm down. We can get her later, for now, we need to figure out how to get out of here!" Eijiro, as I'm supposed to refer to him as because of a stupid ass dare from that damn Frog Face, tried to calm me down, and he didn't, and then I finally looked into those stupidly adorable eyes of his and calmed down.

We're going to have to confess, I know it, we can't go out the window, Eijiro is too nice to break Momo's house. Wait, how the fuck is the door okay? I wondered to myself, then noticed how cold I was, I immediately ran back to Eijiro and the blanket, after they locked us in here I probably jumped off him. "Fuck, I'm cold. How are you so warm?!" I'm the one with the explosion quirk, why the fuck am I cold? And why is this rock a human heater? Does he have some sort of second quirk?!

"Maybe because I have the blanket?" Eijiro said looking away from me. I could barely see him, but I knew he was blushing.

It's now or never, I thought. "Hey, Eijiro," here we go oh no.

"Hm? Yeah?" He turned to me. I turned away just incase i got a bad reaction.

"i like you."

=Kirishima's POV=

"You- like me?"

"Yeah, I like you, Eijiro," Katsuki mumbled just loud enough for me to here.

"Really?! I like you too Katsuki!!" I said back. "Is it ok if i hug you?" I ask getting a nod in return.

i give him the biggest hug i can "Um... does this mean that after the sleepover I can still call you Katsuki?"

"Of course, idiot." He said back and smiled. He smiled. This was the second time I've seen him genuinely smile. "Can I call you Eijiro?" He turned redder than my hair.

"Of course, Katsuki!" I replied with a toothy grin. "Does this mean we're together?"

"I guess... can we let them figure it out themselves instead of telling them?" he asked looking down, his face lightly dusted pink.

"'course Katsuki! Just be nice when thy find out,"

"Now, let's get out of here so I can kill Flamingo and that Invisible shit!" Katsuki said, and hopped on my back. "Break down the door, noble steed!" He yelled, adorable, I thought, as I used my quirk to break down the door. Somehow, that worked better than Katsuki's explosions.

"MINA, RUN THEY GOT OUT!" I heard Hagakure say, and then a flash of pink ran past us. Before they could get to far, Katsuki caught them, then yelled loud enough for everyone in the house to hear.

"PINK FUCK AND INVISIBLE SHIT ARE IT!" He declared, then I ran off before they could catch us.


_Kaminari's POV_

"PINK FUCK AND INVISIBLE SHIT ARE IT!" We heard Bakugo yell, we were hiding in one of the rooms. I was on top of Sero, my amazingly-beautiful meme brethren. Ok, yeah, I like him. but I don't think he likes me back. I mean, he came out as Gay a month ago but I'm still doubting. I mean, why would anyone love an idiot like me?

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