The Fluffy Tail has Power

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*Ojiro's POV*

Shinso and I agreed to change out of our clothes because we still had pajamas on. So when we met down stairs to leave, I remembered what I said when we were about to part ways and go to our dorms. "It's a date," I said. I said that. I'm an idiot. And he responded!!!

With a "Sure," THE HECK DOES THAT MEANNN?! AAAAAAAHHHH. If you couldn't tell, I'm dying inside right now because of this boy. "So, where's the best place 'summon cats?' Or do they just, come to you?" I ask once we're out of the dorms and school grounds.

"Well, there's many places, but dad's favorite cats are usually near the flower shop. He even named them after the cats favorite flowers. He's a big softie, pretty sure the whole class knows that," Shinso replied with. In just a few seconds, we arrived at the flower shop.

"What now?" I ask.

"Well, just wait. They usually come to you if you're good with cats. But, since you're learning, wait for them to come to me. The more cats you're familiar with and the more you somewhat smell like cat, the more cats will come to you," Shinso explained, sitting in the grass of the park that was right next to the flower shop.

"Ok," I respond with simply. We didn't have to wait too long before a small brown cat with black and ginger spots and green eyes walked up to us. After that, a dark ginger stripped amber eyed cat came up with a gray blue and green eyed cat. Soon at least ten more came along.

"Ok, so, the first one that got here is Lavender, the ginger is Rose, the gray one is Daisy, the black tabby is Sunflower, the white one is Dandelion, the black and white one is Briar, blonde colored one is Tulip, the Siamese one is Violet, and..." He continued on naming he cats. He looked so... soft, cute. Holy heck I'm in love with him.

"Ok, so let me name them off, Lavander, Rose, Daisy, Sunflower, Dandelion, Briar, Tulip, Violet, Aluminum, Bluebell, Poppy, Lily, and Orchid?" I said after Shinso finished naming them off.

"Yup. Good job remembering them! It took me a few days to remember them all my self," Shinso said with a small smile and a chuckle. "So, ready to go?"

"Yup!" I said but then I felt something on my tail. "Wha...?" Some of the cats were on my tail. I looked back at Shinso for help, but all I got was a pink checked Shinso who just mumbled something. "What?"

"Uh-uh. I-I mean. Leave it, it will be easier to get them to UA," Shinso replied after a second.

"Oh, ok!" I say back as we start walking to UA. Soon we got back and when we knocked on the dorm doors, everyone saw the mess that was on my tail. A.K.A Orchid, Lily, and Tulip all playing with my tail's fluffy part.

"Uhhhh...." Kaminari said as he saw what was going on with my tail.

"OH MY GOD THEY'RE ADORABLE!!!!!" I hear Mina yell. Ereki and Taiki came running down stairs, well, more like Ereki running and Taiki just walking down like a normal cat. The animals just stood around meeting each other.

When Bakugo came out of the kitchen with Kirishima and saw that Sero has let the animals out of the rooms and saw the cats Shinso and I bought, he looked at Kirishima, and he replied with a "Heck Yeah let's pet these kitties!" Them walking over as to not scare the cats away and sat down so the cats came to them. Thankfully by now Orchird, Lily, and Tulip has forgotten about my tail and we're meeting the rest of the class.

"So, are we ready?" I ask Jiro.

"Yup! Since we have about five minutes left, we're all taking a break from the work. You two should as well," she said, pointing at me and then Shinso, who was teaching the class the cat's names.

"Yeah! We'll do that. Looks like even Bakugo's listening to Shinso," I say, looking over to where Shinso was telling Bakugo Rose's name.

"Huh. Guess Bakugo really is a cat person," Jiro said.

"Well, I'm going to go hang with Yao-Momo. You should go hang out with Shinso," she said, and then she left to go talk to Yao-Momo. What did she mean I should go hang out with Shinso? Doesn't matter, wasn't like I wasn't going to. I start walking over to him and played with he cats that had walked over to us, Bluebell.

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