Some Good end of the Year Shit. Oh, and some Pining Gays.

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y'aren't ever going to leaven't

SoBasicallyImMonky: GUESS WHATTTT

Dead!: What?

SoBasicallyImMonky: THE CLASS GETS TO GO TO AMERICA!!!!!!!

Dead!: Really? Even I didn't know about this.

SoBasicallyImMonky: Aizawa wanted me to surprise everyone in the class, including you, about this. So hahaha!

Dead!: I can literally only imagine how smug and most likely red your face is.

SoBasicallyImMonky: Shut up! I bet the same for you after that sly comment!

ExplodeYourFace: Hi, Yes, can y'all take your newly found gay interest into your DM's and not it the public class group chat thank you very much.

Dead!: I've had my gay for awhile.

Dead!: Oh wait you're talking about gay love interest. Perhaps I've had this for awhile as well.

SoBasicallyImMonky: Ojiro.exe has stopped working. Would you like to restart the window?
Yes No

Dead!: Oh okay then thanks. >No<. I always wait for them to respond.

SoBasicallyImMonky: Bakugo with his statement, I say, P e r h a p s .

Dead!: Also I want to point out literally everyone in this class except Iida, Aoyama, andtwowhoshallnotbenamedbecausetheyllbullymeevenmore are openly gay. Especially Kirishima and you, Bakugo. So fUcK O f F .

ExplodeYourFace: At least I'm in a relationship with the one I love and will forever cherish because holy hell have you seen him he is a living sunshine puppy— and not pining in the class chat and being a c O w a R D .

Dead!: S H U T .

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