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A/N- it's the chapter. This might be long idk 😐. Have fun!

{No ones POV}

After dinner everyone decided they should watch a movie. That lead to arguing. Kaminari, who was no longer short circuited, Sero, and Mina wanted to watch Shrek, while everyone else wanted to watch a regular movie. Until Kirishima suggested Into the Spider-verse, and Bakugo said he'd never seen it.

Then everyone was determined to make him watch it. And somehow they got him to agree. As they were setting up the movie, Momo decided to wait. She hadn't seen the movie either, and it looked interesting.

And she was so happy she waited. The movie was great. Even Bakugo liked it. But then she realized she had to turn off turn off the power now.

"I'm gonna be right back. I need to get something from one of the rooms," Momo said walking to the breakers room after she was out of sight. She looked for the main power switch, and when she found it, she decided to make a strong magnet to keep the power off. She knew how to fix it obviously, so the power being off wouldn't be permanent, but it would last about 13 hours.

Since it was 9:00pm, they'd have until 10:00pm on Saturday. Good thing this sleepover was going two days long. Everything was dark and cold. Momo immediately went to the lounge to tell everyone what was going on.

"AAAH!! MOMO WHATS HAPPENING!" Kaminari asked, not even screaming in Momo's direction, but in Jiro's, while clinging to Sero like if he didn't he'd die. Probably because it was freezing.

"The power went off. I don't know how long for. I've had enough food to make a thick blanket for each pair," She said, starting to make the thick blankets. 10 blankets in all were made. Everyone decided to turn on their phone's flash light so they could see the blankets.

Bakugo immediately got up, got a blanket and sat in Kirishima's lap, his face buried in the others chest because he was cold. They snuggled up easily, and Kirishima was confused but mostly flustered, thank god you could barely see his blush. He was snuggled with crush, so he really couldn't complain. "Umm Katsuki...?" He said. Even though Bakugo was just a bit smaller than Kirishima, he was still intimidating to the rest of the class. Well, except for Kirishima.

"Shut up, Eijiro, I'm cold, and you are warm as fuck. And so is this blanket. Now let me be warm and not freezing," He said whispering to Kirishima as he got closer to him.

"Ok ok," Kirishima said running his hands through the smaller boys hair. Bakugo... wasn't screaming at him? After every one had settled, Todoroki and Midoriya seemed to be in the same position with Midoriya in Todoroki's lap. But Midoriya's face wasn't buried in Todoroki's chest.

Everyone put there phones in the middle of the room so everyone could see. Then everyone noticed Kirishima and Bakugo's position. "KIRISHIMA, HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD!!" Kaminari whisper yelled. Kirishima realized Bakugo was asleep. I'm so screwed that face is adorable Kirishima thought.

"Shush! Katsuki's asleep. And I don't know! He came to me!" He whisper yelled back, making sure to not wake the adorable boy sleeping in his lap. "So what are we going to do?" Kirishima said, knowing Bakugo was a heavy sleeper he talked just a bit louder.

"Ummm I don't know... um, oh I have an idea! Let's tell scary stories!" Mina said getting out of her blanket, but then immediately regretting it and went back to Hagakure. "I'll go first!" Mina said.

A/N- Oof. Get ready for some not really that scary stories!  Anyway, bye.

Bnha Class 1-A chatfic/fanfic (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now