The Plan

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*No One's POV*

After a long day, school ended. "It was so weird! We went back to school! And learned again!" Present Mic exclaimed.

"I hope you gave Kirishima good notes. You teach a period, and you've learned all of this before. I blame you if he doesn't have good notes." Aizawa said, tired as ever. Bakugo's body or not, he was exhausted.

"Yeah yeah, I got him some decent notes. What about you?" Present Mic asked, holding back a yawn.

"I got Bakugo great notes. I actually payed attention." Aizawa retorted. "What about you Midnight?"

"Um, he didn't get the best notes. I, um, didn't really pay attention." She said, her voice and face showing her embarrassment.

"Not surprised. Back in our U.A days you never payed attention that much either." Present Mic stated. "How about you All Might?"

"I got him great notes!" All Might said. No one was surprised, he was one of the best students when they were enrolled in U.A. They finally arrived at the dorms, said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Today was kind of fun for them, it brought back some good old memories.

While the teachers enjoyed being students again, the students hated being teachers. Or at least Bakugo did. Probably because he didn't handle any hero training. Which was probably for the better. Kirishima kind of enjoyed it actually.

Midoriya really liked it, though he hated acting dirty. The pure boi was no longer pure after that day. Todoroki also liked it, and had fun being All Might since that's the one thing his flaming garbage father hates the most. All in all it wasn't a bad day.

As they got to the teachers 'dorms' they said their goodbyes and got ready for bed. "It was so weird today! We taught our classmates." Kirishima said, putting on Mic's pj's that he found.

"Yeah. I wish I could have done the hero training though. I could have learned more strategies and find some ways to beat Mr.Aizawa." Bakugo said, already in pj's and waiting for Kirishima to lay down.

"Yeah. I bet Midoriya took this opportunity to remember this and put it in his journal. Probably asked Midnight for it at one point. Bet he lost his innocence." Kirishima said, climbing into bed and holding Bakugo closer to him.

"His face will be hilarious tomorrow if he did. Night, Eiji." Bakugo said, as they slowly fell asleep.

Todoroki and Deku went their separate ways, and got ready for bed. They had only shared a bed for less than a week, and it was already hard for them to sleep without each other. But soon enough, they fell asleep.

The next morning...

Finally, Everyone was back in their bodies. Kirishima and Bakugo woke up in the correct dorm, and Todoroki and Midoriya had as well. Aizawa was so happy to be in his own body again, he might actually smile a real smile. Present Mic was glad to have his quirk back, though he thought Kirishima's was very useful and manly.

Midnight loved being back in her body and being back to herself, and All Might was back to being All Might, And was happy with his experience. Then they remembered that they had school, and everyone simultaneously groaned. Student or not, they had to go to school because "proper education".Kirishima then remembered something. Present Mic had told him that there was a bet.

And, Present Mic, lost it actually. He put it in Kirishima's notes from his phone before he went to bed. Guess he owed Bakugo a sweater. "Hey Katsu?" Kirishima asked as he woke up completely.

"Yeah Eiji?" He asked, some one his tiredness still in his voice.

"Remember that bet Present Mic made? Guess who owes you a sweater." Kirishima said, getting up from his spot in the bed and moving towards his closet. "C'mon. Come choose one." That got Bakugo up, finally, as he walked over to the closet to pick a sweater.

As he looked through the sweaters, he realized just how many sweaters Kirishima owned. Then, he spotted one, it was one of many of its kind. It was a Crimson Riot sweater. It read the hero's name on the front and on the back, it read, 'Red Riot', And was the color of Kirishima's eyes. Kirishima had added Red Riot to the sweater when custom ordering it.

"This one." He said, taking it from it's spot on the shelf.

"I didn't even know I still had that. You made a good choice." Kirishima said, looking at the sweater again. "Well we should probably get ready for school, c'mon." He said as they went through their daily morning routine, Bakugo putting on the sweater he just gained, it being a little too big, but Kirishima found that adorable.

In the end, they were packed and ready by 6:45, they decided to hang out before they needed to start walking. "Katsu! Remember how at Momo's sleepover we never did horror movies?" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Yeah? What are you getting at?" Bakugo said, checking the time. 6:50. "Also, we should start walking."

"Well, I was thinking we could do a horror movie night with the class. But, you know how Momo and Jirou are pining for each other? And I think the same with Mina and Hagakure. We could do what they did to us." Kirishima said. Revenge? Bakugo liked that plan.

"One sec, let me just." Kirishima said as he grabbed his phone out of his bag.

chat stuff now owo—

GayOfSunshine has added KingGayExplosion, DANKi, FlexTape, BigBird, Limbs4Dayz, owo, SugarDaddy, IcyHotMedicatedPatch, CrysTooMuch, He-Man'sYoungerBro, and WantSumTail? To the chat.
GayOfSunshine has named the chat 'Revenge'

KingGayExplosion: Eiji, wtf are you planning?

GayOfSunshine has changed KingGayExplosion's name to AngryPomPom

GayOfSunshine: Anyway, remember how the girls paired us together 'randomly'?

IcyHotMedicatedPatch: Yeah. Oh fuck my name is long one sec.

IcyHotMedicatedPatch has changed their name to IHateMyDad

IHateMyDad: Continue.

GayOfSunshine: It was kinda obvious that was on purpose. So, this weekend, since we never did a horror movie night at Momo's, we have it in the common area? And then force certain people to sit next to each other and stuff by sitting in spots.

CrysTooMuch: Great plan! What pairs?

GayOfSunshine: Mina and Hagakure & Momo and Jirou.

AngryPomPom: I love you too much to stop you.


FlexTape: Not that I'm not thanking them, me and Denki are together now, but FUCK YEAH REVENGE!!! Also Denki shut up, we were kissing a minute ago.


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