Freaky... Monday?

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*Aizawa's POV (Third Person)*

After the teachers decided to trust their students, they went back to the dorms to get ready. Weird, they had to go to school again. And not as teachers. When they met up twenty minutes later in the hallway after they had breakfast, Midnight pointed something out.

"Isn't it kind of ironic that All Might and Todoroki were switched? Endeavor wants Todoroki to surpass All Might and hates him, and Todoroki is All Might now." She said like she was cracking a code.

"Oh. My. God. That's hilarious." Present Mic said holding in a laugh. They continued walking getting to U.A five minutes early, Uraraka, Iida, Tsu already there as the Dekusquad always came in early thanks to Iida.

"Hey Deku, why didn't you get here earlier?" Uraraka asked once she noticed that he'd entered the room.

"Oh sorry! I kinda over slept. Thank Shoto that I'm awake." Midnight said, motioning towards 'Todoroki'. She knew that Midoriya and Todoroki were together already. I mean, the we're in the same bed.

A minute before the bell rang, the rest of the Bakusquad was there, excluding Jirou, who got there three minutes early. Then, 'Aizawa' walked in. Not late.

"Morning class. Before we begin, may I see Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, And De—Midoriya?" Bakugo asked, he almost slipping up calling Midoriya Deku. I knew it, they had a plan. Aizawa thought as him and the others were taken out into the hallway to be met with their bodies.

"We know why you brought us out here." Aizawa said before anyone else could.

"Yeah. We need help. Midoriya said this will last a day then we'll go back to our own bodies, but that means we have to teach and you have to act like us." Kirishima said.

"We should set some ground rules." Midoriya suggested.

"Yeah. First of all, Please, try and act like us. Also, Bakugo, Kirishima, don't act like a couple around students, me and Present Mic may be together, no one knows but the teachers. And I'm guessing you two are together as well?" Aizawa said.

"Ok. And yes, we are together, just act like us. Honestly I think our dynamic is kinda like yours Aizawa. Oh! We're also on first name basis. And before you ask, I call him Katsu, he calls me Eiji." Kirishima said.

"Midnight, can you please, not be i-inappropriate in my body?" Midoriya asked in the purest way possible.

"Of course Midoriya. Anything else?" Midnight asked.

"Where are the class plans for the day?" Bakugo asked.

"In my drawer. Top left." Aizawa responded "let's go." And everyone walked out the hallway. Bakugo walked back to the front of the room.

*No One's POV*

"Sorry about that, they wanted to talk to me about extra training. Anyway, sorry to keep you waiting Present Mic." Bakugo said,moving towards his yellow sleeping bag and then he walked to lay in while class went on.

"HEELLOOO, STUDENTS! Now, us teachers know about the sleepover Yayarozu's. So, we decided the five you a little less work today! And, we can't forget, you'll be getting Shinso in the class from now on, so welcome him!" Kirishima announced, trying to act more dramatic like Present Mic. Shinso walked in and introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Shinso Hitoshi. My quirk is mind control." He said, walking to where M*neta sat and then paused in front of the desk. "This was cleaned right? Or is this a new desk?" He asked, looking disgusted at the desk.

"Yeah it was cleaned!" Kirishima said, Shinso's face visibly relaxed and he sat down muttering a quick 'thank god' and getting out his pencil. "As I was saying you'll be getting a little less work today. All your doing reading a packet I'll be handing out and taking notes." Kirishima continued, and moved towards the desk where the packets would be.

Kirishima handed them out, then went back to the desk to pretend like he was doing something important.

~~Timeskip b/c I don't know the period order~~

Finally, it was lunch. They sat with their respective squads, but then Mina brought something up at the Bakusquad's table. Tsu doing the same at the Dekusquad's table. "Bakugo, you, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya are acting a little different. Mina pointed out.

"Mido, you've being acting a little different. Same thing with Todo, Bakugo, and Kirishima now that I think about it. Ribbit." Tsu stated.

"Like, more calm and rational kind of?" Mina said.

"I'M ALWAYS CALM AND RATIONAL YOU PINK HAIRED IDIOT!" Aizawa said as Bakugo-esc as he could.

"Nevermind with you. But Kirishima has been acting a bit more like Present Mic. Or at least is being loud like him." Mina accused.

"Hey! I'm not being loud. Me and Katsu have a bet going. Every time I talk today, I have to be loud at least once or he'll win and get one of my sweaters." Present Mic made an excuse, being loud when he said 'Hey', trying to not loose a bet he just made up. A good one at that, Bakugo just potentially gained a new sweater!

"Ha! Guess you're going to loose a sweater Kirishima! I bet on it!" Kaminari declared.

"No way, I bet Kirishima will keep all his sweaters!" Sero challenged.

"I bet you $15!" Kaminari said, accepting his boyfriend's challenge. That was enough for the subject to change, forgetting about how Todoroki and Midoriya were also acting a bit differently.

Over at the Dekusquad table...

"What?! H-how?!" Midnight asked trying to act as innocent as possible.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because you over slept? But that doesn't explain Todo ribbit." Tsu said.

"It's because of the sleepover. I've never stayed up that late. I woke up because of my alarm. Which I guess Izuku is immune to." All Might said, making up a quick excuse. They continued their lunch, forgetting about how Kirishima and Bakugo Had been acting different too.

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