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A/N- Me and my friend who's never watched BNHA before watched the episode where they pick their hero names, and after Bakugo said his she said "His hero name should be Exploding Homosexual" and just. It's great. Also, I'm making the school year go like American schools, mainly b/c I want to write more chapters of them as first years for a while longer
. Enjoy!

*No One's POV*

After their last horror movie of the night, everyone was asleep, couples were cuddling each other, the ones who should be couples but aren't because they are way to oblivious we're somewhat cuddling. They didn't know what they were doing and you couldn't blame them, they are very single. They had fallen asleep to Despacito somehow, after Kaminari said at the end of the last movie 'Alexa, play Despacito' forgetting that the common room had an Alexa. But they fell asleep to it anyway.

It was peaceful while they slept. But, the door to the dorm was open. It was very cold, but there was something else.

*???'s POV*

It was something small, and very fluffy. The tiny creature walked into the dorm house, not knowing there was another creature behind it. The small thing noticed the bundle of teens on the floor and walked around them. The creature saw a big fort like thing and walked inside.

As it looked around, it saw two figures cuddled up next to each other. A figure with red hair, and a figure with ash blonde hair. The creature walked in between them and cuddled up in the small space in between the figures.

The other creature that followed was bigger, but not too much bigger. It ran in after the other creature was out of sight. It ran and fell on two things that were cuddling. The creature recognized them as humans.

One had black hair and was holding the other human's waist, who had yellow hair with a black zig-zag in it. The creature didn't know what that shape was. The creature loved these humans though! The creature bounded over to the end of the humans and cuddled up there keeping them warm.

~~timeskip to the next morning owo~~
*Kaminari's POV*

I woke up, in Hanta's arms, seeing all of the class laying down somewhere. I try to get up, but something is stopping me, and it's not Hanta's arms holding me back, it's by my legs. I turn to look and I see something, I almost screamed.


"What is it Denki?" He said in a deep tired voice. God, I love that voice. Right, back to what I was doing.

"There is a  D O G!!" I whisper to him, pointing to the adorable thing at our feet.

"Woah! It's a little puppy.... and it kinda looks me!" Hanta said pointing at the black dog. The dog suddenly woke up and walked over to us liking our faces.

"Woah! Heheha! It has my color eyes almost!" I said as it licked my face, it kind of tickled. I looked at the dogs almost yellow eyes. It looked like the mixture of both of us.

Apparently, our cooing over the dog woke up some of the class, because Iida was speeding over. "Kaminari, Sero! Be careful, it could be infected! We should take it to recovery girl immediately!" He said doing his signature 'boi' movement with is hand.

"That's a good idea! Then we can find out if it's a boy or a girl!" I and Hanta said, getting up to get to recovery girl with Iida joining us. We saw that the front door was open. So that's how it got here.

~~in the fort...~~
*Kirishima's POV*

I woke up, feeling a small figure in between me and Katsuki. I look down a bit, to see a kitten with the same color fur as Katsuki's hair, and dark ginger-red paws almost like my dyed hair. "Awwwww..." I cooed, picking up the kitten in one hand, and patting Katsuki's shoulder with the other.

"Katsuki~ wake up, there's a kitten!" I whispered in his ear kind of yelling the last part, but not really.

"What? Ki—" he cut himself off as he saw the small cat I was holding. "Oh. My. God. Eijiro, we are keeping it." He said, petting the kitten who was still asleep.

"We should take it to recovery girl. C'mon, Eiji," He said getting up, I followed him with the cat in my arms. We walked out the door and to Recovery Girl's office. Today was a good day.

A/N- Hope you all liked the chapter! Sorry that it's short. Had small writer's block. Anyway, I just wanna say, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K READS!!! I love you all and I'm so grateful I thought this book wouldn't get popular at all but I guess not. Bye!

Bnha Class 1-A chatfic/fanfic (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now