Your Local Pining Gays

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*Ojiro POV*

I hate to admit it, but I've gained a crush. The worst part is they probably hate me since I completely avoided them after something that happened. God why do I have to be an idiot?! Great job, Mashirao!

You like a person that hates you! Thank god it was Friday morning. And when I say Friday morning, I mean I was up all night thinking of a boy with purple hair and eye bags. And when I say morning I mean 4:14am.

By boy with purple hair and eye bags, I mean Shinso. Ugh, why Shinso? I don't hate him anymore for what happened at the sports festival, but what if he hates me? Oh I'm so, so, so, so screwed!

*Hagakure POV*

R.i.P Hagakure Toru, Death: An adorable flamingo look-alike girl who is amazing. She— She should be an illegal drug because I'm a d d i c t e d. She so adorable!! We were up all night reading and writing fanfics, and she fell asleep!

Granted, I should be asleep to, but she's so cute! Now that I think about it, I should sleep a little bit. I do need to be able to function. I move to the floor and sleep there. It is her dorm, she should get the bed!

~~timeskip to 6am when everyone is awake and shit (it's still Friday)~~

I woke up on the floor. Why was I here again? Oh right, stayed up too long with Mina. Wait why didn't I just go to my dorm?

OH MY GOD I'M AN IDIOT SHES GOING TO THINK IM WEIRD!!! "Hagakure?.. Hey, do you know what time it is?" A familiar voice belonging to Mina asked.

"Yeah it's," I grabbed my phone, ignoring the Class group chat notifications, "6:07am," I said.

Oh shit, I should go to my dorm. "OH SHIT!! IVE GOT TO GO GET READY!" Me and Mina both say at the same time. We laugh at it for a minute and then realize that we really needed to get ready, so we headed out separate ways for now.

*Ojiro POV*

I looked at the time, 6:08. Guess I should get ready. I get up from my bed, putting on my uniform, about to walk out the door, when I remember last night. Curse my memory.

What do I do in class? Just act normal around him? Be nice to him? AAAAA WHAT DO I DO???

Then one word came into my mind. Apologize. Apologizing for being an asshole and avoiding him sounds like a great idea. Well, that's what I'm doing the minute I get in class!

"Ten minutes until School starts everyone, we should go!" I here Iida say as he walks out the door, and I remember that I have to get to class first. Let's hope this goes good!

~~small time skip b/c I don't want to write about Ojiro  w a l k i n g~~

As I enter the classroom, I look for Shinso, and see him at his desk, the rest of the class chatting away. Here I go! "Hey Shinso" I say as I'm close enough that he can here me.

"Yeah?" He said an eyebrow raised.

"I.. I want to apologize for avoiding you when you joined our class, I was holding a stupid grudge for something that happened awhile ago." I said Shinso looked at me in disbelief.

"I was actually going to apologize to you for being an asshole at the sports festival. It was really stupid of me, but I really wanted to prove my quirk can be used as a hero's and not a villain's. I'm still trying to prove that, actually." He said a little embarrassed that he didn't apologize first.

"Nah it's all good I understand. Your quirk would be so useful for fighting villains, they just talk and poof! Under your control! Too bad the entrance exams are really only for physical-type quirks, or you would have totally gotten in!" I said.

"Yeah, that's what da— I mean Aizawa said." He said hastily. Wait, did he almost call Aizawa dad?? I mean, he is kind of a father figure... I look at the time to see it's five minutes past when school starts, which is around when Aizawa actually enters. I go back to my seat and feel good, because my crush doesn't hate my guts. Today is a good Friday.

*Hagakure POV*
(Ten minutes earlier...)

Mina and I headed down stairs after we got ready for school, hearing Iida say, 'Ten minutes until School starts everyone, we should go!' So we headed out, talking about ships. Then a certainly new ship was brought up.

"What about Ojiro and Shinso? I mean I kinda see it do you?" Mina asked

"Well yeah I actually do see it, don't tell him I told you, but he spills  a l l  the tea to me. He said he's pretty sure he has s crush on Shinso," I replied with, thinking back to all the times he came to my dorm to complain about M*neta being a little shit, how he wants to learn new moves, the usual. I know today will be great day. Why? Well, I just saw the cutest pink thing smile and laugh at me, and thank god she couldn't see my face, because a was red and dying. I love this girl too much.

Bnha Class 1-A chatfic/fanfic (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now