Happy Boys!

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*Kirishima POV*

"Hey, Mina, Kaminari and Sero are done doing Spider-Man kisses on all the trees!!" I call to her.

"Ok! Jiro's going to stay here because she wants to check something out. She'll catch up later," Mina said, something in her hands.

"What do you have?" I ask her

"Oh! These are for when we get really close to the dorms!!" She replied "Speaking of the dorms, let's go!!"

Me and Katsuki held hands, Kaminari being 'too tired' and Sero having to pick him up bridal style. In just a few short minutes, we were near the dorms. I saw Mina pull out her phone and text someone, and then put it back.

"Ok, I know Bakugo won't like this, but put these blindfolds on," Mina said handing us each color coordinated blindfolds.

"The fuck Pinky?! Why would I?!" Katsuki says.

"Just put it on. It can't be too bad," I say. It doesn't work until I use, what the rest of the squad calls my puppy eyes, and Katsuki begrudgingly puts it on. I put mine on, Sero and Kaminari already have theirs on.

"Thank you! Now, wait one second," Mina says a door opens and then closes, and when it's open again I can hear two people walking. I hear a familiar voice whisper "I've got Kamisero, you take Kiribaku," Oh. It's Mina and Hagakure isn't it? What did they do this time?

Mina starts guiding me and Katsuki into the dorms, but past the common rooms where Kaminari and Sero has stopped. The door opened and closed again, and I heard the voices of the dekusquad. I guessed they were going upstairs because I heard the elevator ding. "Ok, you can take them off now!" I hear Mina say.

I take off my blindfold the same time as Katsuki. The first thing I saw was a banner that said 'Happy (two day late) Three Month Anniversary!' "Oh my god thank you!!!" Was heard all over the dorms. Except for Katsuki, who mumbled a 'thanks pinky...' I looked down after feeling something rub my legs, and I saw Taiki. In a sweater with Katsuki and I's colors!! OH MY GOD HE LOOKS ADORABLE.

"Thank you so much Mina!!!!!" I say giving her a bear hug.

"Yeah, yeah, your welcome! Anything for my ships! And now I'll leave so you two can bake!! Aprons are behind you!" She said as she left.

"So~ What do you want to make first Katsuki?" I ask him.

"Red Riot and Lord Explosion Murder sugar cookies," He said going the frosting and dye. But before he could, Taiki got in his face and booped him. Katsuki stopped and was pink for a good 10 seconds before saying "Taiki sugar cookies too,"

"Hell yeah!" I reply.

"I love you Katsuki," I say.

"Love you too, Eiji," he says back. This is a great day!

*Sero POV*

When me and Denki were guided into the dorms by Hagakure, I was curious. Now I'm regretting life decisions. I heard Kirishima and Bakugo go towards the kitchen, and a few minutes later I heard the dekusquad going upstairs. "Take 'em off now!" Hagakure says. I take mine off, and at the same time me and Denki said "Oh my god thank you!!!" After seeing a banner that said 'Happy (two day late) Three Month Anniversary!' I'm guessing everyone else said it too, because it was louder than two people saying the same thing should be.

"Wow wow wow!!" Denki says, looking at the memes everywhere. Then we spot movies. Is that... SHREK DESDPECIBALE ME AND THE BEE MOVIE?!

"ARE THESE FOR US TO WATCH?!" I ask with start in my eyes, same for Denki.

"Yup! I'm going to leave now so you can watch them," she says walking away.

"What first?" Denki askes me.

"Uh Shrek! Our God." I answer.

"I love you! You read my mind!!" Hell yeah this is going to be an epic gamer moment!

"Love you too!" No, day!

*Todoroki POV*

The whole squad guided me and Izuku to the dorms since the park, and we were really confused. But our squad wasn't as cursed as the bakusquad, so it couldn't be that bad. I'm guessing everyone left besides Uraraka and Tsu, because I could hear them. "Ok, now take them off!" They said at the same time.

The first thing I see is a 'Happy (two day late) Three Month Anniversary!) banner, and our favorite movies, and Izuku's bed is Deku themed! "Oh my god thank you!!" Izuku said

"Yeah, thanks!!" I say.

"No problem! Now have fun! We'll leave you guys!" Uraraka says, and the two leave.

"Well, let's get comfortable and watch some movies!!" Izuku says with a smile.

"Yeah. Love you, Izu," I say.

"Heh! Love you too, Sho," Izuku says.

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