Happy Birthday To Weed and also Bakugo i guess

193 5 6

y'aren't ever going to leaven't

TheHardestGay has changed ExplodeYourFace's name to BirthdayBoy

TheHardestGay has kicked BirthdayBoy


SugarDaddy: I know your going to ask for it, so what kind of cake?

TheHardestGay: S P I C Y. REALLY SPICY. And then make one for us since we have  t a s t e b u d s

SugarDaddy: Ok.

TheHardestGay: @God can you make balloons and stuff that match his hero costume?? And can someone volunteer to distract him besides Midoriya because that will end up in a fight?

FastestDad: I will volunteer!

God: Yes I can, Kirishima! This party is going to be great!

TheHardestGay: Thank you! Iida, Katsu's at the gym rn, and then he's going to the pet store to buy some more food for Taiki.

FastestDad: Ok, I'll meet him there!

TheHardestGay: @IReallyDontCare @GerardBorb @Dead! @MyScar @ARMS Can you all play Katsuki's favorite songs?

IReallyDontCare: Of course we can!

Dead!: Yup.

DANKYEET: HAHA Bakugo's birthday is 420




TheHardestGay: W h y.

DANKYEET: Because he's a Weed Baby™️

FlexGay: He's also a e m o

GerardBorb: Correction, an B L O N D E

Pigs: Also I want to help with the party!!!!

TheHardestGay: You, Kaminari, and Sero, are going out to buy his gifts, I'll give you a list of what everyone in the class wants to give him, and we're using Endeavor's credit card. (Courtesy Of Todoroki)

FlexGay: 👌

DANKYEET: Is it ok if we buy some stuff for us too??

TheHardestGay: Sure, but only a few things. And while you're out can you get snacks??

Pigs: Yee

TheHardestGay: K thanks!

~timeskip and some real writing~

About forty minutes later, and the dorms were ready for Bakugo to enter. Good thing to, because according to Iida, Bakugo was making his way back to the dorms. The lights were off, and Bakugo opened the door, Iida behind him. "What the hell?" Bakugo said turning on the lights.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKUGO!" Was screamed by the class, slightly different for Kirishima and Midoriya. Kirishima saying 'Katsuki' and Midoriya saying 'Kacchan.'

"Thanks, I guess..." Bakugo said quietly but everyone heard him. They ran up to him and gave him a big hug, Kirishima giving an extra kiss on the cheek.

"Now let's get this party started!!!" Kaminari exclaimed, and before long everyone simultaneously realized how hungry they all were.

"Food?" Mina asked, everyone else nodding, Hagakure just saying yes since you couldn't see her. They all gathered at the table as Sato got out some spicy curry, while everyone else got reagular curry. After everyone finished, Kirishima announced they'd be having cake after a couple games, and then gifts.

"Oh that's right! Kirishima, you never put your gift on the list," Sero said.

"That's because I already have them. Yao-Momo knows what they are though," Kirishima said as they went back to the common room to play games. About twenty minutes later, they all got bored of games and really wanted cake. "Ok ok fine, we'll do cake if Katsu wants to," Kirishima said.

"Sure, whatever," Bakugo replied, they all gathered around for cake.

"And, Of course we're singing happy birthday," Mina said.

"I call leading!" Kirishima said with a smile.

"Happy birthday to you," Kirishima sang, everyone joining in at birthday.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Bakugo/Katsuki/Kacchan, Happy birthday to you!" They sang, it ending with Bakugo getting another kiss from Kirishima.

"Presents!!!!!" Kaminari screamed, they all ran over to the presents while Kirishima and Bakugo walked.

"So, What do you think?" Kirishima asked.

"It's fine. I guess I'm having fun, and I'm curious what the fuck you got me," Bakugo answered.

"Well, you'll find out last," Kirishima said somewhat smugly.

"Since Kirishima is last, I'll go first!" Mina declared. She got him a grenade earring, because she had heard that he wanted to get his ears pierced soon. He had gotten many gifts, and the next ones was the most important. Kirishima's.

"Here you go Katsuki! Hope you like them!" Kirishima said with a toothy smile. There was a sweater that said 'Dynamight' and then '#1 Hero' on the back. There was also some of his favorite albums in CD and Vinyl form. Great day

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