Let the Chaos BEGIN!

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*No POV*

The party/parties were all set up. Sero's color scheme was mainly in the backyard of Kirishima's house. Mina's was mainly at the front, Jiro's at the back, and all the color schemes meeting in the middle. "Hey, Everyone!! We're ready!!" Kirishima announced. Sero, Mina, and Jiro were told to just hang out together all day, since the party wasn't a surprise. The trio walked in seeing colors everywhere in the house.

"Wow..." they said simultaneously.

"So, I know for a fact that none of you three, or anyone in the room right now, besides Uraraka and Tsu because they are lighting fast when it comes to new seasons, have seen She-Ra Season three. So, when we're done eating, we watch it! And then we can play games and discuss stuff about Season three if we want. Y'all know Kirishima has a pool, so there's that. Now, LET THE CHAOS BEGIN!" Kaminari said from atop the couch. He fell right after he finished his mini speech.

Everyone ran to the huge pool Kirishima had in his backyard, splashing each other every second. "CHICKEN FIGHT!!!!!" Mina declared suddenly. Everyone immediately grabbing their s/o. Mina, somehow, pulled out a random rubber chicken from her back. And, because these are dumb crackheads that are heros-in-training, instead of two people on each team, it was five. These teenagers scare the living shit out of me. Oh God- why Midoriya you had a two day long not-breaking-your-bones streak and now it's gone.

"I'll be at the bottom of one of the team poles. Just let me find the deepest end," Todoroki said.

"SHOTO YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DROWN YOURSELF!!" Midoriya screeched at him from the other side of the pool.

"Oops never mind-" Todoroki quickly swam to the shallowest part of the pool.

Bnha Class 1-A chatfic/fanfic (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now