A Wild Furry Appeared! Oh wait, it's Just Eden

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*Eden POV*

I knocked on Yaomomo's door, art bag in hand. I have my favorite ears on, with a mint colored shit with a cat face on it, and snow leopard pajamas. It's been a while since I hung out with 1-A, but it's been hard for me since I'm a transfer student and don't have the best grades. But now summer break is here and I'm free!! "One second!" I hear on the other side of the door. The door opens to reveal Kaminari at the door with a lamp on his head, and behind him I saw Sero in a moth costume.

"Hey Kami!" I said waving at him.

"Oh! Hey Eden didn't expect you!" Kaminari replied letting me in.

"Hey guys! I heard from an invisible bird that everyone is finally with there special someone!" I say with a smug face.

"How's your art going?" Jiro asked me I immediately turned red.

"Pretty good actually!!" I say.

"Cool!" She answered.

"Before any of you mortals dare to make any ginger jokes, I dyed my hair black and pink and i am far superior," I say.

"We were just about to get ready to watch some movies. Wanna join?" Mina asked.

"Heck yeah!! I brought some snacks too," I say pulling out Oreos, Goldfish, Barbecue chips, and applesauce.

"Let's get started! What's first?" Kirishima asks

"Let's watch.... every Percy Jackson movie because a certain some one hasn't seen any!" Hagakure said referencing to me. "And you're the white boy here!"

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