Words and Consequences

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Tima POV
It's been a week and a half since the whole club incident. And things have been pretty normal for me. I've been going to school, as usual, and helping my cousin out at the shop. Like running errands and stuff. They pay me for it and for that I am forever grateful.

And I know y'all wanna know, have I talked to Trè since the incident. The answer is no. He hasn't apologized for the way he spoke to me. So, there's nothing that needs to be said.

Brinah, however, has been texting and seeing Meechy ever since they met. I'm happy for her. Because she definitely deserve love in her life.

"Girl what time are u going home," Brinah asked, snapping me outta my thoughts.

I just busted out laughing, "why am I bothering u or sumn?"

"Nahh I just don't want u to go for real. Like ion even understand why u live in ur own apartment when u can just stay here."

"Thanks. I just...I don't know."

"Look I know you're struggling right now. With not having a job and everything. So u can just stay here. Seriously, u know I gotchu."

And that's one thing I loved about Brinah. She could read me better than anybody and she's always there for me no matter what.

What she was saying is correct, tho. I have been struggling to pay rent and buy groceries. Because I don't have a steady job at the moment. Maybe living with her wouldn't be a bad idea.

"Have u spoken to Trè?"

"No why would I," I wonder why she's bringing him up outta the blue.

"Ooh no reason," she said, walking towards the door.

"Brinah what the hell are u up to?"

Annnnd in walks Meechy and Trè. I knew eventually I'd see him. But, she knows I hate being forced to deal with my problems. And although I hate the way he talked to me, we do need to resolve this.

"Wassup y'all," I said trynna wade the awkwardness. Meechy spoke, but Trè just sat down on the couch and pulled out his phone. Annnnnd that's my cue to bounce.

"Uhuh where are u going," Brinah asked coming upstairs behind me.

"First of all, don't ever try to set me up like this. You know me enough to know that I hate being confronted like this. I tried being nice to this clown ass nigga and he walks in here with an attitude already. Nahh fuck that. I'm not kissing NOBODY'S ass. ESPECIALLY somebody who talked cash shit to me behind some shit that was caused by him. So, ima just chill up here til I get ready to go home," I ranted on.

"Look I get it oohkay. What he said was fucked up. But, if we would've never fought those girls, he wouldn't be mad and u wouldn't have an attitude."

"Are u seriously taking up for him? I didn't even start the fight. If I can recall you threw the first punch. I was chilling. But, like the good fucking cousin I am, I fought because I was protecting u."

"That bitch was disrespecting u and u know damn well I'm not just gonna sit there and let that shit slide."

"I know and I am appreciative of that. Seriously, I am. But, I'm not about to just sit here and be blamed for some shit I couldn't even control."

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