Where I wanna be

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Tima POV

Today is our second session with Dr. Johnson and I'm kinda excited. Then again, I'm a little nervous. After the convo with Marcus the other night, I'm questioning if this is even worth it. Maybe it's just not written in the stars for Tré and I to be together.

As we pulled up to Dr. Johnson's office, I grabbed my notebook and purse. She told us to make a pro and con list about each other and it was lowkey kinda hard. I mean going into this I thought it'd be simple but, that was easier said than done.

We walked in and Trè signed us in. We got here just in time because the appointment begins at 1:45 pm and it's 1:40. He sat down and asked if I'm good. I just nodded and watched the home decor show on tv. He grabbed my hand and rubbed it, trynna assure me everything will be good.

Dr. Johnson called us back and we walked into her office. We each took a seat and began our session.

"So, how are you two today?" We both said good at the same time and she smiled and said that's good. "Well, let's get started. During our last session, I told you each to make a Pro con list of the other. And now we're gonna share whenever you're all ready."

"Well, I'll start," Trè spoke. "Does it matter which side I start from?"

"Just read as you desire to," Dr. Johnson said.

"Alright well, for Pros I have your smile, your positive attitude, and your unconditional love for others. Your ambition to follow your dreams endlessly. Your drive to get me to better myself. For some cons, I wrote how you get into your own head sometimes. And how down you get when you're extremely emotional at times."

"Alright, Tima your turn."

"Ok, so for Cons I wrote how secretive you can be. How you shutdown on me sometimes, but expect me to always be so open. The fact that you sometimes want me to be super submissive and dependent on you. And for Pros I wrote your smile as well. Your sense of humor, how hard you go for those that you love, and the fact that you're trying to better yourself."

"Alright, you two did good on this assignment. Now, any comments about what each other have said before we continue?"

"I can admit my wrongs and I want you to know that I am really trying here, Tima. That time we spent apart made me realize how much I need you in my life. I know you still need your time but, if you would allow me, I'd love to take you out as a way to continue to rebuild our relationship," Trè said. Not gonna lie, this kinda caught me off guard a little bit.

"Yea, I'd love that," I responded.

For the next 15 minutes, Dr. Johnson explained some things she observed from us so far. She noticed how Trè is all about me, which I noticed as well, I just wish he'd never stopped it. She noticed how I smile at certain things he does or says.

On our way out of her office, she asked to speak with me alone for a little while. I agreed and let Trè set up our next appointment at the front desk.

"I can see you're still a little uneasy about possibly being back with him. Which is ok, given what he's done to you, leading you guys here to me. But, my advice is that you give him a chance. There's still a little spark there and, not saying you immediately give him your all but, a little piece at a time won't hurt," she said. I told her thanks and we parted ways.

Walking out to the truck, I started to get inside my head a little. Maybe I was being too hard on Trè. Giving him a chance to be back in my life wouldn't hurt. I mean after all, he was my best friend for a long time.

Trè noticed me walking to the truck and got out to open the door for me. I thanked him before he closed my door, going to the other side to get in. We drove off in the direction of my house but, I asked him to drop me at class. He agreed and I asked Brinah could she pick me up after. Lord, knows I need her advice right now.


Annnnnnnnnd scene 🎬

Filler chp. Because I've been sitting on this for a while and needed to just write sumn.

Q&A will immediately follow this chp.

This book is almost over soon 😢 and it's honestly bittersweet to me.

I love each and every person who reads, votes, adds and supports this book.

I still have sumn up my sleeve, too 😈



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